YouTube Custom Thumbnail Making, Uploading and Benefits


YouTube Custom Thumbnail: Hi, Guys! This Is Bittu Das. What stands more in search engines Images or text? Obviously, images because our eyes are automatically drawn to them. YouTube measures the CTR or clicks through rate of your thumbnail. So if you’re thumbnail receives more clicks it will result in higher ranking and more traffic.

YouTube Custom Thumbnail

YouTube Custom Thumbnail
YouTube Custom Thumbnail

So looking into this matter Today I am Going to show you what is a custom thumbnail?, Custom Thumbnail Making, Uploading and Benefits and how to use it properly? So, if you want to learn all these things correctly than read this article from beginning to the end. So, let’s do it.

What is Video Thumbnail?

Video thumbnails let viewers see a quick snapshot of your video as they’re browsing YouTube channel. YouTube thumbnails have always been part of your YouTube channel— the small clickable images that a viewer clicks on to look at videos.

Benefits of Thumbnail?

Having a great looking YouTube Thumbnail make a great impression or attract or encourage viewers to subscribe for more. It can be the greatest thing an unsubscribed viewer sees when they come to your channel. So if your thumbnail receives more clicks it will result in higher ranking and more traffic.

How to Add Thumbnail on YouTube Video?

Here you can choose methods first one is choosing the default way which has automatically generated by YouTube and the second process is creating by your own. So, I will show you both two different methods below. have a look.

Default Way to Add video Thumbnail on YouTube?

After your video is finished uploading, you can choose a thumbnail from the three options YouTube automatically generates — just select the thumbnail you want to use and click Save changes it is the default way to set thumbnail.

youTube Custom Thumbnail
youTube Custom Thumbnail making

Create Your own Custome Thumbnails:

NOTE: in order for you to gain the ability to add thumbnails as your choice, then first you will need to verify your account and become a partner if you don’t know how to verify YouTube account then read my previous article how to verify your youtube channel.

Okay, to add or change video thumbnail Sign into your YouTube account then

1. Go to Creator Studio > Video Manager.

2. Next, to the video, click Edit. On the left of the preview screen, choose a thumbnail. Click Save changes.

Which App Should You Use to Create Custome Thumbnail?

Now the problem for those who don’t know how to create an attractive custom thumbnail. If you know Photoshop then it is the best choice to design custom thumbnail then it is a brilliant awesome idea to create your own Thumbnail. You can also use the Creator Studio app to add a thumbnail to a video. you can also visit some most popular website to create an amazing online custom thumbnail. Links are given below.

Custom Thumbnail Generator Website Links:

YouTube Recommended Format and Size to Create a Custom Thumbnail for YouTube?

Remember, the size of youtube custom thumbnail should be 1280×720 resolution (with a minimum width of 640 pixels), into JPG, GIF, BMP, or PNG image formats, under the maximum size of 2MB limit and 16:9 aspect ratio.

Watch the video tutorial

Last Words:-

Hope you like this article. If you face any problems or have any quarries related to this topic then put your valuable comment below. Thanks for reading have a good day.

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