YouTube Community Guidelines Violation: Those guys whose have YouTube channel and the guys who are monetizing videos on YouTube, they are fully acquainted with this word and for them, it is a very difficult and dangerous word. After listening to this word, it seems that what a word is! However, actually, this word is slightly complicated. If you don’t understand and if we apply our common sense, I know common sense is very uncommon in common people. If you differentiate in between two things i.e. what is right and what is wrong then you understand the community guideline. But, we cannot differentiate it because what is right and what is wrong on YouTube, most of the people don’t know that and don’t aware of that. For this, I have come in front of you guys that what community guideline is and how do you follow the YouTube community guideline violation and how do you strike on your YouTube channel and how do you save your channel from the suspension?
YouTube Community Guidelines Violation
What is community guideline of YouTube?

Ok Before understanding the YouTube Community Guidelines Violation, you have to understand what community is and what guideline is i.e. what the meaning of community is and what the meaning of guideline is. If we understand it, then the whole matter would clear in front of us. First of all, I say if I give a real life example then I would say that a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common is called Community or an area in where we inhabited together is called community, our country is a community, in the same way, a behaviour of a person which influenced other people, is called community.
YouTube is also a community in where a huge number of people spent their time on YouTube i.e. some people upload videos, some people earn money from YouTube, some people watch videos, some people make funny videos and upload those videos. So, community means a place where some people come, live and affected by the behavior of different people. It is called community. So, YouTube is also a community. On the other hand, Guideline means rules. So, for staying in this community, you have to follow some rules. In our life, we also follow so many rules which we don’t break you can say religion rule or traffic rule etc. If you break these, then you will be punished. There are also so many rules on YouTube, if you break those rules, then you will be also punished. And what are these rules? Specifically, I will tell you the rules. Let’s enter into the computer. We will see that what is community guidelines? YouTube Community Guidelines Violation which I have said before, a community in where so many lives together. You have to keep in your mind that Community Guideline means rules. Now, I will tell you what are the wrong things on YouTube. All of us watch these in every step. When we go to open a YouTube channel or a Gmail account, i.e. in every case when we do these kinds of works, you will see that there is a link of Privacy–Policy of YouTube Community Guidelines Violation and we accept that but the bad habit of us is that we never read these rules and we accept this rules by forced because if we don’t do it, then we never open or create our account. But, we never read the Privacy-Policy, if we read it, then we know everything i.e. what’s right and what’s wrong. But, I inspire everybody to read it.

If you read it, then everything you will understand. If Google will say that if you open a channel on YouTube and if you upload others’ video, then all of your assets will give to the Google Company. If it is written in the Terms and Conditions option and if you accept it without reading the Terms and Conditions, and if you do that, then all of your assets will be gone. So, be careful. You guys obviously read these Terms & Conditions of YouTube Community Guidelines Violation. Those who don’t understand English, for those Google Translator is available. Just copy it and translate the sentence. Most probably you cannot get the perfect meaning of the sentence other than English. But, you can get an idea of the sentence. But the matter of assets which I have told you was a fun. But, I want to tell you that you must read the Terms & Conditions. When I install a software, then we also accept the Terms & Conditions. Nobody read the Terms & Conditions. It’s 100% sure. If you read this Terms & Conditions, then you never watch my video. So, I request you please read this Terms & Conditions. As a result, the knowledge will increase and you do your desired work quite well. Ok. Now come to the main point. First of all, in this page, YouTube writes that “Respect the YouTube Channel. In here, 7 lines are written on YouTube. These are the 7 works which cannot be done on YouTube. YouTube does not tolerate these works. These are:
#1. Nudity and Sexual Content: I think I don’t need to talk any more about the topic. It is totally a basic concept. You never upload any nude video on YouTube. You never upload any sexual content. It should be known to all. Moreover, not only the graphical content, if you write any content on sexual and pornography related, then you cannot upload on YouTube.
#2. Harmful and Dangerous Content: “Don’t Post videos that encourage others to do things that might cause them to get badly hurt.” You never post any videos or graphical contents that after watching these the visitors might do any dangerous works provoking by the video. Suppose the wrestling video. When it is telecasted on TV, then a notification shows in front of us that “Don’t try this at home.” It means that this is a very dangerous. I am giving you a real life example that an advertisement displayed on our TV showing a kid chewing a gum and after chewing it, the kid will be a superman. In real life, after watching the advertisement to become a superman the kid chewed the gum and jumped on the ground from the roof and the kid had died. You never create this kind of content because it is very much harmful to kids.
#3. Violent and Graphic Content: Violent means using or involving any physical force intended to hurt, damage or kill someone or something. You never upload this kind of video. It means that you upload this kind of video which goes to the people as different types of messages. And if it is visually violent, then the people do not like it so much. So, you never upload videos any kind of animal killing or man killing.
#4. Copyright: It is huge YouTube Community Guidelines Violation rule. Copyright is not outside of community guideline. It is the inside of the community guideline. It means that you never use other’s content and moreover you cannot reuse other’s content. Suppose, Arijit Singh is singing in a concert and I video his concert in my own camera: No it is not done, it should not be done. You never upload anyone’s performance just like the video of any concert or the video of any TV shows. You never upload any videos which are not yours’. If you want to upload this kind of video, then you have to get the permission or you have to take the authorization from the company.
#5. Hateful Content: So many people mock the other religions, other communities or others nationality, others disability, etc. It may occur in the case of gender. It may be attached to someone’s mind. You don’t do anything which harms another one. If you mock someone in your absence mind, then YouTube will report against your channel. So, be careful about it.
#6. Threats: You never treat anyone on YouTube.
#7. Spam, misleading, meta data and scams: If you upload spam videos, then YouTube will suspend your channel. Now, I will tell you what is Spam? Spam is an unwanted file which the people does not want. Suppose you upload a copyrighted video and YouTube will message you that you have forbidden from opening a channel on YouTube then you create another channel, and block it again and then you have created another channel is called Spam.
Now if you spam, then new rule the YouTube will ban IP address, MAC address. Next is misleading metadata. Metadata means title, tag and description. And thumbnail. You give a title which title is related to your video but it is slightly away from to the point. Actually, YouTube like to the point video. The title will be that which you are going to tell in your video. You have to be attractive in the same way. To attractive it, you have presented it in a quite different way. But, during the time of presenting if you change something, the problem will be created. “Tags” are the same thing as the title. Suppose you upload a video and in the tag line you write Salman Khan’s video. Then, Salman Khan’s video will also display which is not right and your channel will be suspended. This type of people doesn’t understand it. Your video is ok, no problem in your video but the people do mistake at the description. The people write the unnecessary things in the description. Most of the time, people copy so many tags and paste in the description. A limited number of keywords you can write. But, it can be long. It must be understandable. You have to be used it as a sentence. In here, you watch that it’s not ok to post a large amount of untargeted, unwanted, repetitive content, including comments and private messages.
YouTube Community Guidelines Violation: You face problem only for comments and private messages. In the real life example, suppose a new movie which has not released yet and you have uploaded a banner as a video, it is a scam. Thumbnail is a process by which you attract it in a legal way. But it is not done if you write anything on the thumbnail. If you serious on YouTube, then you will try to go in the right way. Now, I will tell you some moral words. There is no way to earn in short cut ways whether in YouTube or in real life. If you want to something, then you have to be deserved that. If you have don’t have the knowledge, then how do you deserve that. If you have no dedication, no hard work, then how will you be a successful person! YouTube is the same. To earn income, you have to be expert in that subject. Now, I stay away from community Guide.
Now, you watch the video lecture
As these are very important words, so I have told you. This video and the article is so long. I don’t know who will watch it or not. I think, the people who will see it, they will definitely aware of the YouTube Community Guidelines Violation. So, thank you for reading and watching my video. If you like my video, please like it and subscribe my channel. Thank You