Some Facebook Posts by which the People go in Prison


Hi!! Today, I am sharing a new topic. The name of the topic is: Some Facebook Posts by which the People go in Prison. 

  1. Creig Lynch: 

Lynch escaped from jail by overcoming a lot of trouble  and wrote on Facebook, “I have escaped from jail”.  Police caught Lynch by tracking IP.

(The American woman was arrested for posting pictures of her baby. The baby was seen taking drugs.)

jail for cyber crime

2. By posting pictures of food: 

The hobby of couple in England was cooking of various types of food. The posts are very popular in many times. But until the end of such period, a bad patch time has occurred in the lives of two couples. The couple’s Facebook profile picture is uploaded to the match with many meals with the iguana, which is a crime according to international food of law. Because, Iguana is the extinct animals.


3.  Two Brother’s deed:

The contest was begun by two brothers in Facebook. This contest begins Race-combat racism. But, now, two harmless brothers are in prison for this post on Facebook.

4. Vomit Picture in Police Car:

In Australia, a young drunker vomit in the Police Car. This picture is posted by that boy on Facebook and the picture won so many likes and comments. But, finally, the drunken boy was arrested by the police and the young man is in prison for contempt of Police.


5. Victor Vargas:

America’s notorious evil. The police could not find Vargas. One day the Vargas suddenly challenged police and wrote on Facebook wall: “Catch me if you can”. Then, Police arrested Vargas in between 30 minutes by helping from cyber cell.




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