Do You Know What Is FB Katana? Should You Remove It Or Not?


Most of the android users are seeing the katana folders on their android devices. But very few users have a hint about the purpose of the file. Because there is no description of the files, some users did not even notice the file’s existence. When they start to receive the popups about the katana files, they begin to find a popup source. Then they figure out the presence of the files.

Are you receiving the popup message from Facebook katana? Do not get panicked. These FB katana files are not viruses or malware. But when you guys start receiving the message, you are getting panicked and thinking your device is affected by a virus or malware attack. So what is Facebook Katana? Let’s see the details.

What Is Facebook Katana?

What Is Facebook KatanaThe katana is a Facebook name that is given by the android device. This name is used by the IOS of the android device’s office application. This file is only installed on your device while installing the Facebook application on your android device.

Katana is the name of the Facebook application structure in your android devices. So there is no chance that you can delete the file without uninstalling the Facebook application folder.

Pop-up messages about Facebook katana are not a signal of malware or virus attack. Facebook Katana files are entirely secure. And it will help you to recover all your deleted messages and documents from Facebook. 

This katana file is almost functioning like the orca files. If you are currently using the Facebook application, you can not delete the orca file. Same as that, you cannot delete it instantly when you are using Facebook from your android devices. First, you have to shut down Facebook and uninstall the app. Then you can delete the com.facebook.katana file.

Should You Remove Facebook.Katana File Or Not?

Facebook.Katana files are not a virus or malware. If you are checking the details, you get to see how the katana files are helping you to recover the deleted files from your Facebook account. But as the Facebook katana files are directly linked with your Facebook account. You can not delete it without uninstalling the Facebook applications.

Facebook Katana
Facebook Katana

But Facebook Katana files sometimes interrupted the functions of android devices. Because this file is storing the deleted data and messages from your Facebook account. For this work, it is going to need lots of extra space. 

In general, android users start receiving popup messages from Katana because of the shortness of memory. And during the functions of the katana files, sometimes the android devices start running slow because of the Katana files. And if you want to delete all the previous traces of the deleted Facebook message and records, you need to fix the glitch.

How You Can Fix The Facebook Katana Error

Facebook Katana is the code name of the Facebook application file in the android device. So when you want to delete, the file first starts with uninstalling the Facebook application files from your devices.

Here is the step-by-step guide to delete the Facebook katana files from your devices.

Step 1: Open the settings options of your android device.

Step 2: Then select the application file of Facebook from your device.

Step 3: Pick the check and data option.

Step 4: Clear the data files and the cache files from the application.

Step 5: After your deletion of the files and the cache memory, your android device’s problem is entirely solved.

Other than these, you can fix the problem with the use of FB browsing history.


Here is the guide to solving the issue from the FB browsing data.

Step 1: Open the FB browsing app from your android device.

Step 2: Open the browsing setting options.

Step 3: Select account setup, privacy, and security options.

Step 4: Choose the browsing data option and select that option.

Step 5: When you enter the browsing data, click the cookies, browsing history, cached images, and files.

Step 6: After clicking the checkbox choose the option to clear all these data.

Step 7: The uninstalling of the Facebook updates options is also going to help in fixing the problem.

Check out the three easy steps to uninstalling the Facebook update options.

Step 1: First go to the settings app of Facebook.

Step 2: Click on the right corner of the page.

Step 3: Then choose the system settings options.

Step 4: Uninstall all the current updates.

These three methods are the easiest solution to fix the katana error. Most of the errors are occurring due to the shortages of memory spaces. If you want to fix the katana glitch, these are the easiest ways.

Wrapping It Up

The Facebook katana file is not a threat to your device. But if you are currently faded up with seeing the pop-ups of the katana files. These easiest methods are going to solve all your problems. But if you do not experience any trouble, do not remove these files from your devices. This file is the only source where you can recover all your FB deleted data.

Jais Frank is a freelance content writer and enthusiastic blogger. He is the co-founder of Finance Team. He contributes to many authority blogs such as Smart Business Daily, Rslonline, Search Engine Magazine and Social Media Magazine.