Are you going to start a new website? Then this article is for you. From here you can learn Some important tips before buying a web hosting and a domain name. If you buy a domain or hosting without thinking anything then it may need to transfer all the files from your old host which you had bought. So, it is better to start carefully. Let me explain in detail.
Some important tips before buying a web hosting and a domain name

There are countless famous domain sellers on the internet. Do you want to buy the domain name from theirs? Or would you like to buy your domain name from the local seller? Suppose your domain name had hacked, it may be too much trouble to get this hacked domain return, if it is brought by using your credit card. First, contact the domain registrar. Tell them whole things by email. Then there is the matter of proving your identity. If you buy it by using others credit or debit card then the registrar will call them to prove it. If could not able to verify then you never get back your hack domain.
It is better to buy from the local dealer to get relief from these troubles. They also buy using their credit or debit card, it might they also buy from there, from where to buy, but they are reseller agent, they have more power than you because the relation with domain registrar is better than you and they are a part of domain Registrar Company. For these, they can be able to get back your domain. They are local, so they recognize you and no question will come to prove your identity.
So, I’ll recommend you to buy the domain from the local seller. And please try to buy top-level domain (TLD), although the price of TLD will little more. But you will save, stay away from the low prices promo domain.
You can buy hosting by using your credit card, debit card, master card, Paypal, or online banking account from your local hosting seller. But you must have to know which features you have required. Too many features have written on the list but are all the features need for you? It is better not to buy by impressed the features list. Some features will disturb to you. Let us know it.
Do you want to make a personal website? Then you have no need to buy an unlimited hosting package. No, although it is in low price. What will you do by taking the unlimited space? You could not upload unlimited audio/video files. You can upload some MP3 files but you could not open for public download because it is illegal. And there is trouble of copyright. If you want to keep music, audio, video files then please ask about it before buying.
Some hosting companies have some restrictions about this, they also write it on their privacy and policy or terms and conditions page. You can keep some personal audio or video but it’s also limited, you can ask the limitation to host provider and also ask for email support, some companies don’t give the email support.
Do you want to make a business website or forum or blogging website? If yes, then I’ll tell you that you have no unlimited hosting require, you can use limited shared hosting, the bandwidth is more important for this type of website. I read on a hosting company website that “My SQL Database Unlimited (200 MB)” – understand the situation? They call it unlimited but on the other hand, it is not more than 200 MB. Here the number of the database is unlimited but it is within 200 MB. So, please ask about it before buying. The large database is required for blogging website or forum website. Again, keep in your mind about bandwidth. Many companies write that it’s unlimited but it has some technical matter. So, know it very well.
If you purchased VPS hosting then it also would not profitable for you. It depends on server configuration like RAM, Processor, (Single or Dual or Quad core processor). If you want to create a heavy website then please use the high configured dedicated server. Also, know, how is the internet gateway? Connected with which networks? Which country is the datacentre? What is the ping speed? How is the server uptime? – All are very important for dedicated server and your high loaded website. It is very important to know to become a responsible webmaster.
Hosting server change is very critical and very risky, so think before buy and get relief from all problems. If you take the right decision then you will be a responsible webmaster and the rank in the search engines will be able to hold.
I will tell you about a web hosting service provider like premium hosting, you can try and read your website before buying a premium hosting.
Name of a Free Web Hosting Provider: 000Webhost
Disk Space: 1500 MB
Data Transfer: 100 GB/Month
Add-on-Domains: 5
Sub-Domains: 5
Email Address: 5
MySQL Database: 2
Control Panel: Custom cPanel
Site Builder: Yes
Automatically weekly backup: Yes Limited
Uptime: 99%
FTP Accounts: 1
PHP: Yes Support
Cron Jobs: Yes
Custom Error Page: Yes
webmail: Yes
Auto Installer: Yes
Password Protect Directories: Yes
Final Words:
Hopefully, you like this article about Some important tips before buying a web hosting and a domain name. Having any asking feel free leave your comments.