Warning!!! Have you searched URL of forbidden Torrent and porn site? Then it will be dangerous…


Web desk: Torrent has been forbidden. Some porn sites have been also forbidden. Yet have you searched in the internet with the URL of that site? Then now be careful. Or there are dangers in front of you. If you search URL of forbidden site, now you could fall in the handcuffs. You may go into jail and give fine also.

Are you searching URL of forbidden Torrent or porn site?


It has been said in the new instruction, if anyone wants to open these forbidden sites in internet then the accused person may be prisoned for three years. With this that person may have to give fine up to 3 lakhs. In the August month of last year, 857 websites have been forbidden for pornographic materials. Then more 170 sites have been forbidden for staying offensive thing. Till today if you search URL of forbidden sites, then no offense will be happened. But now that situation has been changed. They are being accused in the article of 63, 63-A and 65 of the 1957 copyright law.

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