How to remove the URL field from the WordPress Comment form?


How are you all? I hope you are fine. Today I sat to write with which subject that is “how to remove the URL field from the WordPress tuments form?”. At many times, it needs to remove web URL field from the tune’s tuments form for necessary. Using the following code you can do this work very easily.

Removing Website URL field from the WordPress default comment form.


Paste following code in function file (functions.php) of your theme. If you save that file, then you will see in your site’s tuments form URL field has been removed.

Previous Article: How to migrate a WordPress site from a host to another host with the plugin?

function remove_comment_fields($fields) { unset($fields['url']);    return $fields;}add_filter('comment_form_default_fields','remove_comment_fields');

It is completed. After tuning this code in functions.php, you will see in tuments form on your site URL field is vanished.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope this tune will work for you. If there is any mistake, then forgive me. If you face any problem, then don’t forget to comment. If you think the article is beneficial then obviously share it.

Those who have missed my previous tunes for them, I gave that tune’s link.