Stream live video on your Facebook profile from a PC


I hope all of you are fine. Let’s get back to work directly not to increase because I face difficulties to write this.

Nowadays a popular feature of Facebook is Live Video. Now any one person has streaming video live on Facebook. Until a few days ago this would be done only from verified page, now it is open for all. But only iPhone users are using now.

Do you know how to Stream live video’s from your Facebook profile?


Today I will show how to do direct from your timeline. Your friend will see “Someone is now live” how will be the matter?

What will need?

Install video streaming software Open Broadcaster.

What you will do:

#1. At first go to or No need to get into fear, because the site is mine. There is no any type of popup, add, malware.


#2. You will see below “Live stream Facebook Click here” written button.

**If window don’t come for the reason of pop up block, then unblock it for this site.



#3. After pressing next, window of before will be closed automatically and another window will open, if it doesn’t open then no problem is there. Now if you watch this site you will see previous blank spaces are filled with some information like “URL host or stream” “Server URL” “Stream Key”. These information would stay in new window. Now click in “Preview or Repost” button. We will need “Server URL” “Stream Key”.



#4. Now open installing Open Broadcaster software. And enter into the settings.

Open Broadcaster

#5. Go to “Broadcast Settings”. Paste there by copying from “FMS/Server URL” & “Stream Key” site. Then save it by pressing OK.

Open Broadcaster2

#6.  Now you have to inform software what you will stream, for that by clicking right in “Sources” box Add>Monitor Capture. I am selecting this because I will show you my monitor. If there is webcam then that will be listed below.

Open Broadcaster3

#7. You can take a look at the preview stream that how it will show. At least wait for a minute by clicking Start Streaming and last time, which window we had opened, go back to that. You will see your stream will be shown online. There you write whatever you want to write then click in “Go Live”.



If everything is OK, then the video will be live.

If you can’t understand this then you can see this video tutorial.

Thank you….