How you will do easily on your Facebook pages like 1 lakh+


Once again, I came for sharing a funny matter, anyway not going to talk, let’s go for tutorial, so let’s see how you will increase easily on your Facebook pages like 1 lakh+ for your Facebook page.

How you will increase easily on your Facebook pages like 1 lakh+ for your Facebook page?


To complete this method totally, you have to make 20 Facebook accounts to make sure, and you have to add many friends in that 20 Facebook accounts, it means you have to keep 5000 friends in your 20 Facebook accounts. Now you are thinking how you will create so much friends, listen brother, there is no matter to do 5000 friends now-a-days in Facebook. Making fake ID you will make 5000 friends very easily. If 5000 friends are completed in 20 Facebook ID then converting all ID and then we will merge. In this way we will do easily 1lakh+ likes.

Follow these steps:

#1. At first make 20 Facebook accounts.

#2. Now add 5000 friends in all ID.

#3. Now convert your Facebook ID in Facebook page, to convert click here.

#4. Before convert decide the name of the page and according to that name give ID name and convert it.

#5. At last merge that pages. If you have any problem to merge that page, then you can see this video.

Work is finished.

In this way you will increase quickly 1 lakh+ likes for your page very easily and I hope you have liked it and there is no problem to understand.

If you have any problem to understand, then you can see this video below.

Thank you