Don’t search on Google with these keywords


If you search on Google for these things, then you will face problems.

google search

There are some things which Google searches, that has to be embarrassed. Reedit which is a website of news and sharing pictures, they have informed that 9 types of subjects. English words seemed normal, but the user has to embarrass more if he searches Google. For that reason Google is not allowed to find the words.

Fournier: It is a nickname of a player who belongs group of basketball of Orland of USA. Then you will not find that in Google. Because the word means the disease of rotten meat of genital. So, if you find that English words in Google then you will see the ghastly picture, seeing that anyone could vomit.

Crocodile: No, it is not a crocodile. It will be ‘K‘ in the place of ‘C‘ of Crocodile. It is an intoxicant thing which is used in Russia and yucren. To make this chemical which thing is used that rots man’s skin. So, if you search with the name of English crocodile then the picture and description will come of being rotten skin. There is danger to find out this word in Google.

Thank You!

Biswajit Das
"If no one responds to your call, then go your own way alone". Open thy mind thy mind walk alone walk alone We not afraid, walk alone Open thy mind, walk alone. ---------------------------------------- A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise.