Those who use the internet and don’t know Facebook, it is impossible to find that type of man. In present Facebook has become a part of our life. Social media is not that social media now, it has become life media.
We humans are more trendy almost everything. From starting to selfi when that happens to us, all type of update, entering into Facebook.
For that in present you don’t need to see newspaper. It will be done if you log in Facebook account.
Now we will hear about work. As Facebook has an important place to you, so how will you secure that? Do you know your account can be gone to other hand because of your misdeed in your account?
And if your ID is hacked or is gone to other hands then that will be more dangerous for you and you know very well the result of it.
Facebook has this type of act which you think like normal acts. But no, these would be cause of your ID hack.
Let’s know more:
#1. Who visits your profile regularly?
This has captured so much shape of epidemic, in present Facebook authority has informed that there are no app, tools or option by which you will know who has visited your profile.
And so I will recommend you strongly, don’t accept visit request of anybody’s profile must.
#2. Celebrity Add Request:
If any Facebook celebrity public has sent you friend request, then you have added them with wonder. Now he/she gave you a message with a link and you went there by running.
What do you think, which celebrity has so much time? And what type of man you have become that he/she will give you their valuable time.
Forget that and suppose this is a sure trap to catch you. It is good to stay away of it.
#3. Customize Option:
You will see many times customize option will come to you. Like, colour of Facebook time line, design change, any special effect etc.
Remember Facebook authority does not keep that type of option for users till now. This is all function of third party. It might be any fishing tools. It will be good if you leave it.
#4. Survey:
With any beautiful or attracted image or banner they told you to accept a part of little survey. In spite of this you will get a chance to win reward.
Hmm this is surely fake, but yes some company will do really like that but will not give that type of funny advertisement.
So leave it or take step by understanding.
#5. Video Marketing:
“Published nude video of famous celebrity” click by seen? This is an easy way to catch you. Leave it if you want your wellness.
There are many ways by using it you might be tracked or hacked by someone. Like, giving in message, or if you are a girl then anyone told you by giving you a link suddenly to go in that link and you will see some picture of yours.
Hmm if anyone said like that then you will go for it normally, but it is fishing. It is better to get links from trustful man and click that only.
In present anti-virus is stronger and it catches easily small type of fishing. And browser also is stronger than before. Like, in present Google Chrome will not give you or warn you to visit that type of link where possibility to have that type of virus.
Remember, the web can spread big type of scandal because of your little misdeed. So stay safe yourself and warn others.
Well, have you faced with that type of experience? Has your Facebook been hacked or being hack ever?
If it is then how you have gotten back to that again?
You can share your experience, comment or order in our comment box. Your advice may be more important than upper discussion.
Thank You!