How to disable notification in Windows 10


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How to disable notification in Windows 10

disable notification in windows 10

By default Windows 10 shows a huge of notifications. Notifications make me boring. And I don’t want to see any notification. I want to turn off all the notifications. I’ve got a solution to disable notification in Windows. If you feel bore like me and if you want to turn off notifications in Windows 10, then come with me.

Let’s turn off all the notifications of Windows 10

# Step 1: At first, copy the following code and paste it into notepad and save it with *.reg extension.

Disable Popup Balloon Notifications (Copy the following Code)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; Disable Popup Balloon Notifications


If you are facing problem to copy the code, then download the registry file from this link.

# Step 2: Now double click on the registry file which you’ve already downloaded or created to run (Marge), and disable all notifications of Windows 10.

turn off notification of windows 10

Now, do you want to turn it on?

Let’s turn on all the notifications of Windows 10

Step 1: At first, copy the following code and paste it into notepad and save it with *.reg extension.

Re-enable Popup Balloon Notifications

[Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; Re-enable Popup Balloon Notifications


If you are facing problem to copy the code, then download the registry file from this link.

Step 2: Now double click on the registry file which you’ve already downloaded or created to run (Marge), and disable all notifications of Windows 10.

Thank you…

Biswajit Das
"If no one responds to your call, then go your own way alone". Open thy mind thy mind walk alone walk alone We not afraid, walk alone Open thy mind, walk alone. ---------------------------------------- A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise.