Complete Windows 10 Hotkeys | Shortcut Lists


Hi guys! Today in this article I am going to share a complete windows 10 Hotkeys or shortcuts lists. If you are a Windows 10 user then please collect all the shortcuts. It will help you to find anything quickly.

Complete Windows 10 Hotkeys | Shortcut Lists

List of Complete Windows 10 Hotkeys (shortcut keys)

List of All Windows 10 Shortcut Lists | Complete Windows 10 Hotkeys

For Windows 8 Start Screen and Desktop:

Win Toggle between Desktop and Start Screen (or open Apps)
Ctrl+Tab On Start Screen: Switch Between Start Window and All Apps Window
Win, then Ctrl+Tab Open All Apps Window
Win, then start typing App Name Search and execute Apps
Escape Close Start Screen and go to Desktop
Win+E Run Explorer on Desktop
Win+R Execute Run on Desktop
Win+X Open Power User Commands on Desktop
Alt+F4 Shutdown Windows
Win+L Lock Computer
Win+F1 Open Windows Help


For Windows 10 Charme Bar:

Win+C Open Windows Charme. Use arrow keys and enter to select item. Press
Win+Q Search Charme / last search option
Win+F Search Files
Win+W Search Windows Settings
Win+I Open Settings including Desktop, Control Panel, Personalization, PC Info, Help
Win+H Share Charme
Win+K Device Charme
Win+S Search Settings
Win+F Search Files
Win+Z Show Options / App Bar in current Metro Apps if available.


Note: Pressing Escape typically closes most Charme menus.

Switch between Application and Windows:

Alt+Tab and Alt+Shift+Tab Cycle between all Windows and Apps. Press and hold Alt key before pressing Tab. Release Tabon Window/App you want to open. While tabbing, add Shift to key combination to go backwards.
Ctrl+Alt+Tab then Arrow Keys Cycle between open Apps without having to keep Alt pressed. Press keys once, then use Arrowkeys and Enter to select Window/App.
Win+Tab and Win+Shift+Tab Same as Alt+Tab, but only includes Apps only, not Windows on Desktop
Ctrl+Win+Tab, then Arrow keys Same as Ctrl+Alt+Tab, but only includes Apps, not Desktop Windows


Power User Commands Shortcuts:

Win+X, P Control Panel
Win+X, T Task Manager
Win+X, E File Explorer (alternative: Win+e)
Win+X, R Run (alternative: Win+r)
Win+X, D Desktop (alternative: Win+d)
Win+X, F Programs and Features
Win+X, C Command Prompt
Win+X, A Elevated Command Prompt (Admin)
Win+X, Y System Information
Win+X, M Device Manager
Win+X, G Computer Management
Win+X, B Mobility Center
Win+X, O Power Options
Win+X, V Event Viewer
Win+X, K Disk Management
Win+X, S Search


To reset anything:

Win+U Open Ease of Access Center
Win+P Projector or second screen settings.
Alt+Shift Change keyboard language layout if multiple language layouts are active*


To Manage Items in Explorer:

Ctrl+C, ctrl+X, ctrl+V Copy, Cut, Paste
Ctrl+Z Undo an action
Ctrl+Y Redo an action
Delete Delete an item and place it into the Recycle Bin
Shift+Delete Delete an item permanently without placing it into the Recycle Bin
Shift+F10 Activate context menu of active object. Replaces the right mouse button. Once in the context menu use arrow keys, a-z and enter to get to the selection
Ctrl+Shift+N Create new folder
Alt+Enter Open Properties dialogue box


Select Items in File List and Navigation Pane:

Shift+Arrow Up/ Arrow Down Select multiple adjacent items (directly above or below)
Ctrl with Arrow keys and Space Select multiple non-adjacent items. Hold ctrl, use arrow keys to move to next item, and press space to add/remove from selection
Ctrl+A Select all
A …Z and 1..9 Press the initial letter any item to jump to it. Continue typing the full name if multiple items start with the same letter


Download PDF Complete List of Shortcuts in Windows 10

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Biswajit Das
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