How To Download YouTube Video Without Using Any Software?


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Download YouTube Video Without Using Any Software

How To Download YouTube Video Any Software

Today I am going to most apparently, some of the visitors now know about it, but the others who do not know about it, this article is for them who want to Download YouTube Video Without Using Any Software. We who download video from YouTube, most of the time they have not IDMAN [Internet Download manager]. So, we do not download video because we have not IDMAN. So, today I will see you how do you download YouTube video by using Firefox | Google Chrome.

You can download YouTube video without installing any Softwareplugin or app. Just follow the below steps to Download YouTube Video Without Using Any Software.

  1. Play your desired video on YouTube.
  2. Now, just add “SS” before YouTube (as shown in picture)
  3. Wait for Minimum 10 second and after that just choose your video or audio quality which youtube you want to download.
  4. Your Video is ready to download.

You can download it in a variable format with different video quality. Moreover, you can extract an audio (i.e. MP3) from the video.

Update: Alternatively, you can add “DI” before YouTube.

Also, you can convert any video into GIF with some edits. Just add “gif” before YouTube (as shown in above picture).

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