Apple is launching a search engine “Spotlight”


Apple is launching a search engine “Spotlight”, at a pace of 3% a quarter — if you have an iPhone or Mac you’ve been using it for a while..! Great news, it’s a more than a NEWS…

Apple is launching a search engine “Spotlight”

Internet lovers would be more happy to hear it..
While Google is grinding users down to 90% of search results generating ad links, Apple is building a search engine in plain sight called “Spotlight”. Over time they have included smaller and smaller notes; this is, of course, a huge debate in the industry. In fact, people have done studies to prove that a large percentage of users don’t know they are clicking on ads..


search engine "Spotlight"

The Spotlight is what happens on your desktop  when you hit COMMAND-SPACE or on your phone when you hit “slide down” when on your home screen.
For example: when you search for “Weather Cupertino” it gives you the result with no advertisements, no Google Logo — nothing but content.

weather report

On your mobile phone they will show you Wikipedia pages, App Store links and more — without any ads.

Apple is launching a search engine “Spotlight” adding a couple of features,the big update is “deep link searching in apps“.
In fact, Apple added the ability to do basic math in the search bar.

Thank you.

Subhajit Kundu
I'm pursuing MCA & as well as i'm doing job in IT sector.