Home Wordpress 5 Best WordPress Anti-Spam Plugins to Protect your Blog from the Spammers

5 Best WordPress Anti-Spam Plugins to Protect your Blog from the Spammers


Hi Friends, how are you? I am fine. Today, I am discussing a new topic which is very interesting. And you guys have to be aware of this because you are using email. In the present time, email reserves a huge place for worldwide communication. Let’s start it.

Before discussing this topic, we have to know what anti-span technique is? There are so many anti-spam techniques which are used to prevent the spam messages to email. The spam messages mean unwanted messages i.e. unsolicited messages are sent by email. If you click on these unwanted links, then all of your personal information such username, password, credit card details are stolen by the hackers just because they disguise as a trustworthy company in front of you.

Best Antispam Plugin for WordPresss

best anti spam plugin for wordpress

Spam messages are very irritating problems for the email users. Spammers are growing worse and the WordPress, the best CMS platform is highly targeted to the spammers. But, thanks to WordPress for giving the remedies of the problem.

Here is a list of best 5 anti-spam plugins by which you can prevent spam messages and spammers.

  1. AKISMET: AKISMET is a default free and popular anti-spam plugins developed by WordPress. However, for using it, you have to get API key. If you use it, then there are two types of using methods one for personal use and other one is for commercial use. For personal use, up to 50000 comments a month, it is free. But for the commercial use it is paid service. After commenting in your comment box, the algorithm of the AKISMET will check it, if it is considered as a spam message, then it is moved as a spam category and if it is considered as a right message, then it is in the right way. Most of the visitors rely on this plugin just because for its reliability and accuracy.


  1. Antispam Bee: The automatic choice after AKISMET is Antispam Bee. It does not come with attractive, additional features, but it has some features which is much needed. It is a free plugin and does not need to require registration like AKISMET. It blocks spam messages from the specific IP addresses, countries. It logs spammers using Fail2ban. It clears WordPress Database of spam after a specific number of days.


  1. WP-Spam Shield: Well, WP-Spam Shield is another popular anti-spam plugin. It has two layers, first one is JAVA Script layer and the other one is Algorithm Anti-Spam layer. It is used for controlling the comments for your WordPress website. It also displays the number of blocked spam comments. It also secures you against registration spam.


  1. WordPress Zero Spam: Another completely free anti-spam plugin is WordPress Zero Spam. It is not a complex one. You don’t need to require API key. It is one of the easiest plugins by which you can block all spam comments without filtering captcha. You can easily install it and use it. Point to be noted that it was developed by the Mozilla Firefox developer David Walsh. And the benefits of it are it is free for both personal and commercial use. It does not guard against human spammers.


  1. Spam Protection by Clean Talk (no Captcha Anti-Spam): Another free and reliable plugin is CleanTalk. It is a premium cloud-based anti-spam plugin. It comes with more features. But, for permanent using it, you have to pay for it and it has a trail period. When the trial period is over, then you have to pay the nominal price to use it is $8.

Some features of it are: 

  • A. It has a trial period and after the trial period is over, then you have buy it. The nominal price of it is $8.
  • B. Advanced statistics displaying spam block/moderation.
  • C. Spam comment log which shows the reason for blocking comments.

Conclusion:  There are also some of anti-spam plugins which are not mentioned in the above. These are: 6. WangGuard, 7. Spam Destroyer, 8. Stop Spam Comments, 9. Stop Spammers Spam Prevention, 10. Good Bye Captcha, 11. GrowMap Anti-Spam Bot Plugin, 12. Bad Behaviour, 13. AVH First Defense Against Spam. I think, now it’s your turn to pick up the right option of anti-spam plugin. If I am at your position, I would choice AKISMET. Though, all of the 5 are very good anti-spam plugins. Let’s apply it. And tell me which one is your favourite plugin. Don’t forget to tell me. How is this tutorial? Please comment in our comment box. And please stay with us. If you stay with us, promise you, we never disappoint you. Thank you for reading my article.