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Today, my article is: Recover Data from Corrupted Hard Disk Without Using Software. If you have faced any problem, then your brain does not work. After a lot of work, I've succeeded. And, it is the data recover without the software. New Lets see how it is possible. I’ll try it himself. If it is not working your computer's hard drive,...
Today, my topic is: How to earn more money from Google Adsense. We all know that Google Adsense is one of the best recurring monetization networks for any blog or website. I have earned more with affiliate marketing and services that I offer, and Adsense represents only a small part of my online income. There is a common myth that has remained in every Google Adsense Users is...
Today, my article is: Know how much time you need for SEO or website ranking. If you're new in SEO, but it certainly needs to know this. SEO is a time-consuming job. It is a need of patience. SEO is not like website design or such software development. Steps are constantly changing field of SEO. In Google, ranking factors are changeable....
Today, my article is: History of Computer and its Types. There are so many types of computers. Throughout most of the computer's size, functionality, matters relating to input-output system. According to the Scriptures, that the device contains a microprocessor is called a computer. But, we know the computer is actually a special type of device. According to our limited knowledge, we...
seo optimization
Today, my article is: How does a Domain Link effect on SERP or SEO.  Many of the questions will rise in my mind that, if the same page is repeatedly rank again and again, then does a domain link effect on SERP or SEO? Let's find the answer to the question we have to climb out of our mind, and we...
Hi!! Today, I am sharing a new topic. The name of the topic is How To Choose The Right Picture For Your Dating Profile. We all know how important it is to have a picture on a dating profile. Statistics continually prove that most of us are a deeply shallow bunch of individuals who won’t talk to anyone without...
Today, my post is: Data Center of Google. The name Google is known to every person.  I think, the reign of Internet is controlled by Google. Every service is available in Google. From search engine to social media, Google is the King of the Internet. Just think about that, how does look the palace of Google? Today, I will show the...
Today, my post is: Learn Android. Remotely Control android by both in Online and Offline. It is a service Google. At the device manger site of Google, you will see remotely lock of Android phones, ring playing, to do reset of your phone  and the phone's location can be seen in Google Map and measured from outside, and I do not...
Free Download “Daliya” in Bengali Version by Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore as a PDF file. Now in this post of “Bengali EBook”, we give you a nice chance to download full story (Daliya) in the Bengali version as a PDF file. Kabiguru Rabindranath Amazing composition is “Daliya”. Daliya – By Rabindranath Tagore| Download Bengali PDF EBook Short information about Rabindranath Tagore: Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) is considered as an ideal Bengali writer. Rabindranath Tagore is Bengali...
Today, my topic is: If you want to earn from Google Adsense keywords which you must be done. We all know that Google Adsense is one of the best recurring monetization networks for any blog or website. I have earned more with affiliate marketing and services that I offer, and Adsense represents only a small part of my online income. There is a common myth that has remained...