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The most popular browser is browser google chrome of search giant Google. It is popular to users for its easy-flowing and dynamicity. But if you want search engine like Bing and Yahoo is also used as default search engine in the browser. How to use another search engine in Google Chrome? Generally, when you enter a keyword in browser of Google chrome,...
Those we use computers, they face many problems in several times and one of the problem is file not to be copied. Today I will show you if the file is not copied in that case what you will do. Generally everybody copy file with (CTRL+C) and paste (CTRL+V). File is not copied through pressing (CTRL+V) of more people because...
There is no alternative to recognize way in the era of smartphones. That’s why if a man goes to wander to country or foreign, almost everyone takes help of this technology. But if you go to wander anywhere where an internet connection is not working or you can’t able to buy mobile data for lack of sufficient balance. Do you...
User Interface Design Patterns or UI is one of the parts of designing mobile apps. UI design is very important for mobile apps and site because it is compared with desktop, small screen and present modern mobile apps also must be modern. Let's know about some web sites for designing the interface of mobile user. Anyway, this site will help you in designing the UI...
Today I want to give you some information related to Password. We always use various kinds of Passwords for the safety of our various accounts. But sometime we use easy Passwords to keep in mind which use thousands people daily. Let's know about 25 Passwords that, can be you used to hacked. Password Management Institution Esplashdata has published a list of...
There is a common thing in us who use computer. That is, though we more or less know basic computer or advance and we all use browser software. Because we are connected through this browser and after this we get information of academic, entertaining and wayward content from the internet world. There are some excellent and simple tips for super fast...
I hope all of you are well. Today I presented with some funny information. The Subject is YouTube. We are stay in only blogging, SEO, affiliate etc. And anybody doesn’t speak about video blogging. So that I will discuss about video blogging of three episodes for which we get a clear conception about that. Video blogging will be held more...
I hope you will forgive me for my any mistake. Today I will show you in this tune How to recover a Facebook ID which has already disabled. Do you know how to recover a Facebook ID which has already disabled? Let's know it. Let’s go for it; When you will log in in any Disable ID then you will see the writing on...
Subheader body:  The main problem of iPhone of Take Giant Apple is memory. Because user have to continue their work with this memory which has a little bit quantity. But recently we have got one type of techniques which increases memory storage of iPhone dramatically. Do you know how can you increase your Apple iPhone memory? There are some techniques in the following...
Many times due to the internet, it needs a blog editor in off line. Desktop blogging apps will give you chance for editing blog when you have no net. Top 10 free Desktop Blog editors for Windows. Here some free blog editor had been discussed: Thingamablog: This is an open source blogging in which we get various types of benefits. You can...