There are some techniques for increasing your iPhone memory dramatically


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The main problem of iPhone of Take Giant Apple is memory. Because user have to continue their work with this memory which has a little bit quantity. But recently we have got one type of techniques which increases memory storage of iPhone dramatically.

Do you know how can you increase your Apple iPhone memory?


There are some techniques in the following lines by which many people have increased their memory storage up to 4 GB.

• AT first you go Settings> General>About of the iPhone.
• Now going to Available after scroll see how much memory is blank in your iPhone.
• Now you go I Tune store.
• From here you select a big size of the movie and it must be big than the free memory of your device. It can be said as an example, you can select The Lord of Ring movie.
• Now click Rent which is present on the page. (Don’t worry, you don’t need to pay for it if you don’t have the room)
• Now Display will show you an Error Box you will see a writing that memory is not empty. And you will see other writing that you can manage Storage Settings.
• Now click ‘OK’ from here.
Now again, you go from Settings> General>About to Available. Now you will see you have maximum memory in your phone than before. The quantity of this place of memory is not particular. But iPhone Forum of Reedit has informed memory is free like that from 500 MB to 1 GB.