Some Tips for increasing the loading speed of Your WordPress Site


Today, my article is: Some Tips for increasing the loading speed of Your WordPress Site.

This is the 10 tips for increasing the loading speed of the WordPress site. In present time, many professional bloggers use WordPress site. In WordPress site, for attracting the visitors, the design and SEO are important and the loading speed of your site is also an important thing. When a visitor visits on your site, then within some seconds, it is very necessary to attract the visitors. Otherwise, the visitors do not visit on your site.  For Google search ranking, the page load speed of site is very important. So be conscious on your site, otherwise, you will lose your visitors. 

10 Tips for increasing the loading speed of the site are discussed below:

  To select a good Host:

The selection of good host is very important. So many people use shared host for their WordPress site. As a result, due to limited bandwidth, the site will down if so much traffic load on your site.  So, for increasing the speed of your site, you are requested to reject the shared host.    

Solid Framework or select a Good Theme: 

You will be surprised that the default theme of WordPress especially the framework of 2010 or 2011 site load faster, because, it is light framework.

Use of Cache Plugin:  

The plugin of WordPress works very good but the cache plugin does so many works especially W3 Total Cache Plugin does a very good job of reducing the load time of the page. There are so many free plugin in which usages are very easy. 

 Use of Content Delivery Network or CDN: 

Content Delivery Network or CDM is a third party system. It maintains the static files which files increase the loading time of sites. 


Image Optimize: 

If the size of the image on the site is large then, reduce the page loading time. There is a site named in Yahoo which reduces the size of the image by keeping the same quality of the image. There is a site named in WordPress is WP-Smush IT  which optimizes the image. 

Optimize the Home Page of Site:

Visitors land in homepage in many times. So, for reducing the loading time then, it is very important to optimize the site.


The number of ways you can optimize the home page:

  • Use Excerpt instead of the full show tune in Homepage.
  •  It is not required more than 5-7 tunes in site.
  • Do not use the unnecessary sharing widget.
  • Please remove the unnecessary plug-in.
  • Please keep the homepage minimal because, the readers come in your site to read but do not come for thousands widget. 

Optimize WordPress Database:

According to me, WP-Optimize Plugin is far better for WordPress optimize. Moreover, WP- DB Manager plugin works good job. It schedules date for data base optimizing.

Hot linking of Content and disable latching:

Generally, the problem arises when other sites directly link to your site by their article image ad make the server load. If you make a custom image regularly,  then you can reduce the site’s loading speed.

Reject the tune draft:

When we take a rest after writing some articles or after completing the writing, we save the article as a draft for revision. After publishing the complete tune, if the tune is saved as a draft, then it reduces the site’s speed. In this case, Revision Control plug in does a good job in controlling the tune draft.     

Add Lazy Load for Image:

Lazy Load is such kind of process which loads image of a tune. It loads the images when the visitor watches the tune by scroll down. The Lazy Load process does not load all images, so the loading speed of the site is increased. You may use jQuery Image Lazy Load plug in for automatic use.    

Thanking You!!!