How To Make Custom Help Message in WordPress Dashboard?


I hope all of you are fine. After long 2 years, I sat to write tech tunes. From here I will try to give tune regularly. There are almost 200+ several problems and solutions of WordPress in my collection. I will try to give all tech tunes regularly. I hope you will stay with me. I tell you before that tunes are very small but very effective. Today I will show you how to make a custom message in the admin panel of WordPress.

Make Custom Help Message in WordPress Dashboard

How To Make Custom Help Message in WordPress Dashboard?
How To Make Custom Help Message in WordPress Dashboard?

When you will make any site for any client then you may face of several problems with client dashboard. For removing this problem, you can make contextual help for your client. Using this tutorial, you can make contextual help for your client.

Paste following code in function file of your theme file. Editing number 4 of code, write your favourite message. Now users can see your contextual help.

function my_admin_help($text, $screen) {
// Check we’re only on my Settings page
if (strcmp($screen, MY_PAGEHOOK) == 0) {
$text = ‘Here is some very useful information to help you use this plugin…’;
return $text;
// Let the default WP Dashboard help stuff through on other Admin pages
return $text;
add_action(‘contextual_help’, ‘my_admin_help’);

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