Bolster your Business with Automated Mobile App Marketing Strategies


In the current times, mobile marketing has influenced business and customers equally. Through mobile marketing, it has given businesses unlimited opportunities to reach out their customers with their solutions, globally. And to drive mobile marketing, enterprises need to build robust strategy to deliver personalized and interactive messages to the customers at the accurate place and time. There are several strategies adopted by businesses using mobile marketing for their growth. Businesses influence customers through engaging content through multiple channels such as push notifications, messages, mobile optimized mails, News Feed and app notifications. Mobile marketing automation platform (MMA) can do a lot to your mobile business. But it is necessary to plan out MMA strategies in the best manner to get the desired result.

There are several practices to follow while designing Mobile Marketing Automation strategy. Some of which are discussed below.

Ask yourself questions to plan a strategy

Get started by planning a roadmap and identifying the goals. To get clear picture of your path, devise a well-planned mobile marketing automation strategy. Make a list of queries that can guide you on how to get started with mobile marketing automation. Question about the techniques that your business should adopt to capture the leads and the channels that you will apply to generate leads and convert them into sales. Likewise, there is also need to create qualifiers based on the data to segment the users. Plus, there is a need to set up triggers to determine when users have been active and estimate the volume of messages to be communicated to help them take their engagement to another level.
Integrate your data to your business system

To make your marketing efforts more effective, a wise move would be to incorporate your captured mobile marketing data into your business systems. With the help of an efficient Customer Relationship Management platform, you can map your customer’s journey, gather data and analyze their activities. Plus, you can centralize information from various channels and make it available to various business verticals. Once you have the data collected from such platforms, you can plan out your mobile marketing campaigns around this crucial information and drive your messaging for your business.

Mobile App Marketing

Choose your ideal Mobile Marketing Automation Platform for strengthening your business
It can’t be denied that a robust mobile marketing automation strategy can uplift the image of a company. But when used with mobile marketing automation platform, the strategies adopted can be more beneficial as you can reach thousands or millions of users. So, it is required to invest in the right mobile marketing automation platform that will help you to optimize utilization of resources and increase productivity. Mobile marketing automation platform technically assists businesses in sending notifications using different channels. It gets easy to plan out campaigns through different channels with fewer errors. You also get the power to schedule your campaigns, thus enabling you to reach your customers according to their time zone. Also, businesses can segment users as well as message to relevant audience based on user attributes and data. This further helps you in focusing on the ways to reach a larger audience, building lasting relationships with them and making your marketing efforts efficient. The platform allows you to analyze the performance of your campaign, compare the performance of the channels and analyze your efforts that can help to further plan your future campaigns and trigger real-time communications.

Segment your campaigns and personalize it

Mobile marketing automation enables you to harness the data collected to identify key customer groups on the basis of various attributes such as demographic or mobile app development usage information. You can get clear statistics related to number of installs and uninstalls of app, type of mobile devices used, location with degree of installation, and more. Segmentation empowers you to send messages to relevant audience and also get an insight on the performance of your campaigns. The automation system allows you to tag and group users based on your findings. Personalization of messages, too, has a great impact on the users when compared to a generic message. Other than just knowing the customer’s name, you can personalize the message based on their behavior, his activities in the various stages of sales funnel and also location. Mobile marketing automation enables you to store important information of a customer and personalize fields in your messages to customize experiences of the customers and to keep them engaged to your app.

Leverage the location of the mobile device

The key advantage of mobile marketing automation platform that you can build up a strategy based on the location. With the help of location technology, you can plan GPS-based campaign or proximity-based campaign and accordingly send promotional message or notification to the customer. Also, you also have an advantage to collect data depending on circumstances or events.

Analyze data for making your campaigns a success

When you run your business campaign, it is also necessary to track the performance. Most of the MMA platforms provide A/B testing that lets you understand which campaign drives most conversions and how small changes can influence the performance, measure the negative and positive aspects of the campaign, assist in optimizing messaging variations and in-app experiences. Once you have tested, you can plan your engagement strategies to achieve your goals.

Mobile marketing automation provides so many possibilities for your business. An effective mobile marketing automation platform reduces your effort, delivers personalized experiences and increases your business productivity. Thus, no doubt it is an important key to uplift your brand to next level.

Divyesh Aegis is a technical writer at Aegis Softtech especially for computer programmings like, Java, Big Data, Hadoop, dynamics ax, and CRM for more than 8 years. Also, have basic knowledge of Computer Programming.

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