How to use a Webcam as a CCTV Camera


After listening the word “Detective”, a sensational atmosphere comes into our body.  When we had read detective stories, then I love to think a small dice myself. Although it is quite impossible, but this webcam may fulfil your tastes of spying.  Ok, listen to the original story.

Today, I will tell you a totally exceptional software. The main task of this software is to convert the Webcam into CCTV camera i.e. recruit the webcam into spying. Do you not understand? I am telling you clearly.

How to convert the Webcam into CCTV camera?

Suppose, you have fitted the webcam in the sight of your door. I mean, you want to know who are entering into your room unknowingly. If someone entered the house through the door, and then set your computer to the sound started ringing or you are alerted by e-mail. How is it? It also identifies your selected figure.

Vitamin D Webcam Software

What do you think? How is it possible? It is very possible. Just try is your original.

Now say what kind of webcams that support. We’re afraid to do so? If your webcam does not support? Don’t worry. It supports all kinds of USB ports. It also supports the built in webcam. Are you happy?

Now software. Yes, the software name is “Vitamin D. But the saddest thing is that I could not find any way to track Pro version. But so what? Most probably by keeping our thinking in mind the company makes opportunities of free version.

You work in the free version, but it is complicated. The free version only allows you to appoint as a spy in free version.  The webcam cannot be used more than one. The rest is fairly okay. You don’t use multiple webcams.

The Process of installing the Software:

You install the software by double clicking on the downloaded file.

Start to install this software by double clicking on the downloaded file.

install vitamin d software

Next, click on the free Starter Edition.

Now, adjust the settings of the camera (Tools -> Add camera).

add webcam

If all of your tasks are ok, then a test window will come like below.

connecting webcam

Now give a name as you wish. For example: Home, backyard etc. (Tools -> Edit Camera Location)

camara name

Finally, click on the “Finish” button.

How to watch the recorded videos?

watch cctv recorded videos

The Required things:

* Windows XP Service Pack 2+, Vista, Windows 7 or later.
* 2.0GHz Pentium 4 processor or higher
* It supports on 1GB RAM or higher (2GB RAM minimum for Vista and Windows 7) and also in the MAC.

You adjust the settings from Rule Editor.

Watch the video tutorial.

 Thank you!

Biswajit Das
"If no one responds to your call, then go your own way alone". Open thy mind thy mind walk alone walk alone We not afraid, walk alone Open thy mind, walk alone. ---------------------------------------- A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise.