Browsing by using any Browser without Advertisements in your PC or Laptop.


How are you? I am fine.

Today, the topic of my article is browsing without advertisements. That is the totally free from boring advertisements of the website. By using a little software, you can free from boring advertisements of the websites.

How to use any Browser without Advertisements in your PC or Laptop?


The Benefits of this Software:

·         Block all advertisements.

·         Block unnecessary pop ups.

·         Delete advertisements from Programs. For example:  Pando, SopCast, ICQ, Morpheus, Kazaa, PalTalk, iMesh, Bearshare, LimeWire, Yahoo! Music Jukebox, TVAnts etc.

·         Increase the Page Loading speed.

·         Save Bandwidth.

·         Giving release from the Third Party Taking System.

·         Keeping safe from so many viruses of Ad Wards types.

And, also a lot.

The Browsers which support:

  1.  Internet Explorer
  2.   Firefox
  3.  Opera
  4.  Google Chrome
  5.  Safari
  6.  Flock
  7.  Netscape
  8.  Maxthon
  9.  Avant Browser.

The operating systems which support:

Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1

Download link:

The size of this software is just 1.3 megabyte. It also gives portable versions.

Hopefully, all of you understand it. It will help to all of you. If I make any mistakes, then pardon me.