শুভ নববর্ষ ১৪২৫ (Bengali New Year [1425] 2018) – Wallpapers, Songs and SMS – Mega Collection


Pohela Baishakh (in Bengali: পয়লা বৈশাখ or Bengali New Year, in Bengali: বাংলা নববর্ষ) marks the First Day of the Bengali Calendar. This day is mainly observed in Bangladesh, in the Indian State of the West Bengal. Bengali New Year is celebrated with great passion in Bangladesh in 15th April and this day is celebrated with great zeal in the Indian State of the West Bengal by the Bengali Community and also by the minor Bengali Communities in other Indian states, including Assam, Jharkhand, and Odisha on 15th April.

বাংলা শুভ নববর্ষ ১৪২৫ (Bengali New Year 2018)

Subha Naba Barsha Wallpaper 1425

In Bengali. Poila or Pohela (in Bengali: পয়লা ) means “first” and Baishakh (in Bengali: বৈশাখ) is the first month of the Bengali Calendar. Bengali New Year stands for the “New Year” in Bengali. This occasion embraces the New Year with great prosperity, with great zeal, and with the goodwill.

Shoshanko, the king of the Ancient Bengal, is assigned with the starting of Bengali era. The starting point of the Bengali New Year is estimated to be in 594, according to the Gregorian calendar. The Mughal Emperor Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar has introduced this Bengali Calendar for collecting taxes in Bengal.

Bengali New Year Wallpaper 2017

The Bengali New Year begins at the dawn and Singing, fairs, Pujo makes this very beautiful day. Actually, in Pohela Baishakh Ganesh Puja is worshiped in every business shops. Traditionally, business starts with a day by new ledger, clearing out the old. In Bangladesh, this day is observed as a Central Holiday. All of the people enjoy this day by visiting fairs, festivals etc.

Poila Boisakh 1425

In Kolkata, Poila Baishakh is the day of celebration. In Choitro, the last month of the Bengali Calendar offers Choitro Sale in per garments in every shop and sell garments with a heavy discount. The Bengali Hindu traders do Ganesh Puja in their shops and purchase a new accounting book. The Hindu mantras are shouted and ‘Swastik’ image is drawn by the Hindu priests. All shops are decorated with flowers, garlands and the Bengali or English calendar and Sweet packets are given to the customers by all business owners.

এক ঝাঁক বৈশাখী গান

lick here to download a bundle of Bengali New Year 1425 (2018) song

List of Songs in this bundle:

০১. আজ পহেলা বৈশাখ – পান্থ কানাই
০২. আবার জমবে মেলা – গানওয়ালা
০৩. আবার মেলা – ফিডব্যাক
০৪. আইলো আইলো আইলোরে – ইশতিয়াক
০৫. আয় ছেলেরা আয় মেয়েরা – বেবী নাজনীন
০৬. বৈশাখী ঝড়ের রাত্রীতে – ফিডব্যাক
০৭. বৈশাখ এলোরে – মিলন মাহমুদ
০৮. বৈশাখী মেলায় – মিমি
০৯. এসো হে বৈশাখ – বিভিন্ন শিল্পী
১০. মেলায় যাইরে – মাকসুদ
১১. নাগর দোলা – জুলি
১২. পহেলা বৈশাখ – সোনিয়া

এক সাথে বা একটা একটা করে ডাউনলোড করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

Please click here to download all the songs one by one.


Alternatively, you can follow the links below to download all these songs one by one.

  1. Aaj Pohela Boishakh – Pantha Kanai
  2. Abar Jombe Mela – Ganwala
  3. Abar Mela – Feedback
  4. Ailo Ailo Ailore – Ishtiaque
  5. Ay Chelera Ay Meyera – Baby Naznin
  6. Boisakhi Jhorer Ratrite – Feedback
  7. Boishakh Elo Re – Milon Mahmud
  8. Boishakhi Melay – Mimi
  9. Esho Hey Boishakh – Various Artist
  10. Melay Jaire – Maksud
  11. Nagor Dola – Juilee
  12. Pohela Boishakh – Sonia

Click here to download more songs of Bengali New Year (Pohela Baishakh Song)


Celebrate Poila Boisakh with Bengali Love Song

Now, it is a time for Wallpapers of Bengali New Year 1425 (2018)

 বাংলা নববর্ষের এক ঝাঁক ওয়ালপেপার

Click on the images above to see in large.

Bengali New Year 1425 (Collection 1)

Bengali New Year 1425 (Collection 2)

Bengali New Year 1425 (Collection 3)

Bengali New Year 1425 (Collection 4)

Bengali New Year 1425 (Collection 5)

Bengali New Year 1425 (Collection 6)

শুভ নববর্ষ ১৪২৫

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Thank You!

Biswajit Das
"If no one responds to your call, then go your own way alone". Open thy mind thy mind walk alone walk alone We not afraid, walk alone Open thy mind, walk alone. ---------------------------------------- A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise.