Some Security tips for WordPress Users


How are you? I am fine. Today, I will share you some security tips for WordPress users. Hopefully, you will be benefitted by these tips.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a PHP based CMS which full form is Content management System. The content management system is downloaded from the website.

Let’s know some important information about the WordPress.


Why do you improve the security of a WordPress blog?

WordPress is an Open source Content Management System. This content management system can be downloaded by all of us. The hackers are also trying it. So, we have to develop the security of the content management system. So, I have discussed about some tips.

Update the software:

You have to update the CMS software. After publishing the new version, then you update it. Because, WordPress is the main source of Content Management System.

Some best plug INS for Security:

1. WordFence
2. BulletProof Security
3. Sucuri Security
4. iThemes Security
5. Acunetix WP SecurityScan
6. All In One WP Security & Firewall
7. 6Scan Security

Super Tips:

  1. Use a strong password.
  2. Don’t download the Premium Plug in. 
  3. Regularly update the theme and plug in. 
  4. Hide the user name of the writer.
  5. Make hazy the page of log in by using Login Lockdown.
  6. Select the best hosting.
  7. Track the activity of the dashboard and use WP Security Audit Log plug in.

Help and Support:

If you have any questions about WordPress, then contact with me via the

I will try to help and to support you. I give my best.

Read More:

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Thank You. Take Care.