In which way you will be succeed by blogging?


The Word Blog has come from the weblog. This word is used on 17th December in 1997. John Bergen used this first. He was a US citizen. In the next, this word is divided into two parts “We” and “Blog” and it got worldwide popularity.

How do I Start a Blog and Make Money Online?


Though he used to think some days ago, blogging means atheism. Now slander of that has decreased a little bit. But till now there is general public who calls this unlawful. I don’t have any debate with them. God doesn’t give me the power to make them understand.

Those who blog with some aim, I have some tips for them. First, you should see what can be the aim of blogging?. Though we can’t note all aims yet we can note some common aim. Like: income money, earning reputation, protesting against any change. Nowadays these three reasons are noted. There are many reasons in spite of all. Some people don’t know that they are blogging, So stealing others article, they continue by their name.


  1. First, choose a target that in which matter you will blog. Because if you don’t do like that, just you will blog yet nobody will get benefit. When your aim will be chosen, then you will be able to give your best in that matter to the reader.
  2. Never copy others article. This is fatal work. Doing this, you never will get profit. If you do this, but that is temporary.
  3. Never write any debated thing. If you write, then don’t hurt someone else belief and feelings.
  4. Study massive before writing something. So that t hereaders can find out your article. Wherever your blog, the readers will find out your article if they read that.
  5. If you have an aim to earn money by blogging, then write with such a thing that the readers will get benefit and increase their interest. If the readers don’t like that, then where is the joy of blogging? In spite of this, when visitor means money for you, then you should blog by getting warn.
  6. You must have the mentality of persist. Nobody gets success in one day by blogging. If you persist on that thing, then you will get success in any case and you have to work with this belief.
  7. Don’t give such a title ever to attract visitors, which is not related to your blog. Always give importance to the quality of the writing to increase visitors.
  8. Use reference always. Before using others statement or picture, know that if there is any restriction or not for using that statement or picture.
  9. Don’t forget to give encourage. Always encourage your readers because they can read your blog with joy. If you give just doubtless statement, then no readers will get a taste of your blog.
  10. Decorate your blog by order. Everybody knows beauty and like it. So decorate blog by order. It looks good to see any decorated thing. There is a word, where see is the first thing and then comes to judging quality.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comment section below and we will follow it up.

Thank you….

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