5 Best Technology Related English Blog WebSites


Among the technology-related blogs, if you want to know the name of sites name then TheMentalClub.Com is one of the popular technology blog website. To keep ourselves update we need to read best blogs, although we also need to read some other popular blogs. Which sites will lay ahead from others by giving new information. There is updated information on these sites about discussed subjects in modern technology. Like big data, human augmentation, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, cyber security, web development, software development etc. Let’s introduce with some popular technology related blog sites.

5 Best Technology Related English Blog WebSites



Peter Rojas established this blog in 2002. built up this blog in 2002. Here this article was distributed in 9 dialects. The slogan of this blog is-“we originate from what’s to come”. In the show, it is 544 no site of the world.

Day by day very nearly 150 tunes are distributed here. Very nearly 30 lakhs men visit this site day by day. The most recent and dependable data of innovation are distributed here.




Michael Yeringter and Kith Tier built up this well-known blog in 2005. Here the article is distributed in English and Japanese dialect.

There are right around six and half million devotees of Techcrunch in Twitter. It is 511 no site of this present world. This foundation has the acclaim for working with tech start up. Every day just about 14 lakhs men visit this site.




Om Malik built up Gigaom in 2006. Om Malik is additionally a mainstream essayist. This blog has six and half million one of a kind perusers. Research-based articles are found here additional.

Numerous new thoughts, news of innovation are found here.




Linux based the most famous blog is Cyberciti. The past name of this is-nixcraft.com. It builds up in 2002.  

Essential, summon, virtualization, audit and so on a major gathering of Linux will be found here. The individuals who are intrigued with open source and next to each other the individuals who are specialists for them this site is exceptionally valuable.




It is set up in 1991 with business innovation. Serenades of ZDnet is so amusing “Where innovation implies business”. 8 of the world’s 10 wealthiest men are associated with the IT business.

So we have no chance to differ with them. Day by day very nearly 7 lakhs men visit this site. It is safe to say that you are one among that 7 lakhs individuals?



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