What is Link Wheel? Let’s know how to use Link Wheel


How are you? I hope all of you are fine. I’m also fine for your blessings. Today I will share with you “What is Link wheel?”.

Link wheel:

Today I will show you link wheel. Actually, that is not near to link wheel. Link wheel is totally different. I have said in previous tune that the importance of link wheel. Today I will tell you how to do link wheel. I will make you understand by giving picture in the following. See there has been given a site in that picture. That name has been given “Money Site”. Here this site is meant that, you will do link wheel for which site. There are 6 sites around the rest, that sites are free blogging sites. I have said before about what is a free blogging site.

How to create a link wheel and Boost your Website Rankings?


Now we will write 6 articles for these 6 free blogging sites. I have said that before how to write articles and how to publish. Now suppose, our 6 articles are ready. At first we will go to BlogSpot. Now we will paste 1 article. Now which keywords of us have been given inside article, anyone link of it, we will give in “Money Site”. This time one more tab we will take from browser. We will enter with this in WordPress. Well, BlogSpot can’t be published. Then it will be opened. Going to WordPress, we have to paste one more article. And we have to link and publish that article’s one keyword with “Money Site”. After publishing and copying link of that post, we have to link it with any keyword of BlogSpot. Now we have to publish BlogSpot. Now I am clear this thing once again. Suppose your site is based on Online Income. Now you have written 6 articles by following rules for doing link wheel. You have made account in 6 new blogs. Accounts are like the examples in the following.

  • htttp://www.onlineincome1.blogspot.com
  • http://www.onlineincome2.wordpress.com
  • http://www. onlineincome3.blogger.com
  • http://www. onlineincome4.squidoo.com
  • http://www. onlineincome5.hubpages.com
  • http://www. onlineincome6.xanga.com

Your site is onlineincome9.com. In short, it will be 2 links in BlogSpot. One is for your main site and another is for next site of doing link wheel. Then see it will look like upper picture. One arrow has entered in BlogSpot from WordPress. One link has entered into the main site from BlogSpot and WordPress.

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Let’s go into blogger and paste an article. Then link one keyword with main or money site. And publish that. Now edit this in that WordPress. Going in there, copying blogger’s URL or link, link any keyword in an article inside WordPress. See that has been understood by an arrow in the upper picture.

Now go to Skuidu. Going to there, publish one more article. And do previous work same. Do the same on the rest of the two.

Your work is you have to give 3 links in blog or article. Now I will say about last article. I have to give a link in the last article with the previous hub page and another is with the main site and one more is with that first article. First article means BlogSpot. Because there are completed 2 links in BlogSpot. Now we have to give a BlogSpot’s link in Xanga. Then see links, it has made like wheel or an umbrella. I hope all of you have understood. I know you are getting mad and exhausted totally.

Yet I’m saying try to do like this picture. See, it has been understood totally at this picture. I don’t think that after that, anyone have a problem about link wheel. How was today’s link wheel? Newer will say 100% what is this? They will stay away from SEO learning. But SEO is very funny subject. If you understand this then you will seem it like water, but if you don’t, then you will seem like seeing mustard’s flower in the eyes. I’m giving a picture in the following, it is also link wheel. But mustard’s flower! No need to think with this mustard’s flower. Because this is black hat SEO. Which you don’t need to do this on any day. Upper rule is white hat SEO.


When we make a backlink through basically interconnecting with each other, two or more backlink page (which we call webpage) and through that backlink networking it makes a wheel in another side from one side and flows link juice and then that backlink network is called generally Link Wheel.

If any website is “A” and if that is made 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 with 6 different backlink pages and if mentioned 6 web pages exchange backlink in each other then that flows from one side of link juice link network to the another side, so we can call this network link wheel very easily.

Types of link wheel:

Link wheels may be very simple or several compounds architectures. How many ways link wheel will be made, that depends on one search engine optimizer’s talent, creativity and experience. There are types of link wheel by depending on structural architecture, the aim of making.

#1. Link wheels are two types from the side of the structure:

  1. Closed Link Wheel: When all spoke or backlink pages of any link wheel are connected with each other then that link wheel is called a closed link wheel.
  2. Open or free link wheel: When all spoke or backlink pages of any link wheel are not connected with each other then that link wheel is called open or free link wheel.

In spite of open or closed link wheel which is most popular, on depending structural features link wheel may be several types.

#2. It depends on the number of the target page:

  1. Formed link wheel by centring same webpage: All spoke of this type of link wheel exchange backlink to only one target page.
  2. Formed link wheel by centring more webpages: All spoke of this type of link wheel exchange backlink to more target pages. These target pages may stay in many web pages of any website, or it may stay in several pages of more websites.

#3. Link wheels are two types by depending on the number of Tier:

  1. Single tiered link wheel: Backlinks of this type of link wheel are single tiered.
  2. Multiple tiered link wheel: Backlinks of this type of link wheel are arranged step by step. How much the numbers of step will be that depends on the plan of search engine optimizers.

#4. It depends on the types:

  • Natural link wheel:
  • Artificial link wheel:
  • Link wheel for content marketing:
  • Link wheel for search engine optimization:
  • Link wheel for link wheel:

Link wheel in internal pages:

The internal pages of any website can be structured link wheel. This technique is recognized as a “white hat technique”. If the number of pages is 10 which is situated middle of any website, then structuring normal link wheel with mentioned web pages, one link wheel is made. In this process link juice is transferred easily in all pages of the website. The main advantages of internal link wheel are:

  1. Target page’s rank can be increased by using internal pages of the website.
  2. Link juice can be flowed easily into other internal pages, including the website’s home page.
  3. It is possible to develop rank of internal pages with homepage or target pages.
  4. If any page got more link juice then that link juice is divided into other pages.
  5. It helps to increase website’s authority.

See the video tutorial:

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