What is a keyword? The tutorial of researching keyword


How are you? I hope all of you are fine. I’m also fine for your blessings. Today I will share with “The tutorial of researching keyword”.

Let’s Know The Reason Of Keyword Research?


Keyword Research:

Keyword is when we search different words or line by writing in Google or Yahoo or other search engine. Example: Free Movies, Hollywood Movies etc. Each line or word of this is one keyword.

Now we have to know how does keyword work.

Suppose you have a website or blog, then now visitors will not write about this software to go this site that free movies, they will write software, free software etc. There are many thousand websites based on software. So it is very hard work of making SEO on this keyword.


Now you have to select such a keyword based on software and which competitors are less and visitors are more. This process is called Keyword Research. Now if you make any blog, then it is better if you select first a good keyword.

Why this keyword is selected?

The question may rise in your mind that what is keyword we knew that, but why we will select this? When we choose to get good things like that there is no comparison of selecting the right keyword to get good result in search engine optimization. Many times we make sites with several high-competition keyword for getting good result. Like: Download Software, Download Movie, Song, Music, Tips etc. All these keywords are high traffic totally. If you stay once in the first page of all these keyword, then bring home the bacon. Don’t worry with visitors.

But there is massive competition in such all high competition keyword. Good webmaster also worked very hard with all these keyword. But as we have started from first so we will not use brain so much with so big keyword. So we have to find out how to use other keywords and get good results? That’s why this keyword selection for getting good keyword. Through wonderful selecting all keyword, you can get the best traffic. Let’s see how to select keyword?


The use of keyword:

What is a keyword, we have known that now there is discussed about its use in the following:

#1. Domain Name:

Domain Name is a very important subject. What is the name of your site will be, many things are depending on that. If site’s name visitor can’t keep in mind, then there is no meaning to make a site or site’s name. You have to give such a name that there is the similarity of subject to the site. Search engine searches the first Domain URL at the time of searching. You have to give importance to the domain name for this.

domain name

#2. The title of Website:

The title of the site mentions all subjects of site so the title of site is a very important thing. So if you can’t use correctly, then the site has no value at all. You will get advantages of two things by title, one is finding out your site in search engine and visitors come so your site gets good feedback. So the site’s title is very important for keyword.

#3. Writing articles:

Keyword plays a great role for writing articles. You have to note that at the time of writing article, minimum or maximum 3 keywords are used for per 100 words. With it your article will come with benefits of many people. Like I have used keyword many times in this post. If now this post is published in any forum or if you write keyword in Bengali and search in Google from my site after 5-6 pages, you may get in first page. So you have understood how much importance of this.

The reason of keyword research:

  • Men search their useful information by using a keyword.
  • Search engine always wants to show the best result.
  • We should know which type of keyword is searched more.
  • Keyword research tools help us for knowing this, what is searched on the web or what is not.

Many tools are used for researching keyword, in which the best tools are word tracker, keyword discovery, Google AdWords etc. Actually, there are many paid tools available for researching keyword, with which keyword is researched very easily. But as we will not use any paid tools, so we will discuss about free tools. And the best is Google AdWords of free tools, it is used very quickly and free of cost.

Let’s start the first step of keyword research:

If we enter first in the Google AdWords address then we will see the page in the following picture

google adword

And if we log in with Gmail Id then see pictures of the following

google adword1

If we click red on the mark place, then you will see the page in the following picture.

google adword2

Write your keyword in red marked place, then select India or world. Then click in get keywords ideas. Now see which keyword you wrote, how the demand is of that in online. How much men search in online with keyword and how much search result of keyword is there in Google etc.

After seeing all these, if you seem you will do with this keyword and you will get good result by working with this keyword, then download keywords. Downloading file will be downloaded with shape of excel sheet. Now open that file. Now see you have searched which keyword for your information, for that same information others have searched by writing what keyword in other words, what keyword is searched to search engine for the same information. And how is search result of which keyword?

Now your main work is finding out your blog’s related keyword from here and deleting other keywords. Now from here you have to think which keyword you will select as main keyword. And set this main keywords in the title tag of the blog’s homepage. Post something related to this main keywords. And use the same type of keyword in the post also. Set keywords by decorating it in heading tag of the post.

Ok, be happy and take care. Thank you for reading this article. I hope this tune will work for you. If there is any mistake, then forgive me. If you face any problem, then don’t forget to comment. If you think the article is beneficial then obviously share it.