Home Programming There are best 5 websites for learning the programming!

There are best 5 websites for learning the programming!


We search many thing for learning the programming. But nothing is possible without practice. How is it, if you also practice and with it you learn… today, I will show you the best 5 websites like this…You will learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, XHTML, Bootstrap, C, C++, Python, Ruby, Android Development, Java and many things from these websites.

Best Website to Learn Programming for Free


#1 CodecademyI have seen the best websites for learning which is Code Academy…this is the perfect place for one beginner.  From the starting point a man gets frustrated and think from where will he start, how will he start and many things will start from here. Also from here,  you will learn very well the basic thing which is web based. Official Website: https://www.codecademy.com/

#2 Udacity: Audacity is another place from where you can learn easily. Most of the time you can get here video tutorial, there are also quizzes of 2-3 minutes and many things which depend on that. You will get a good tutorial like Computer Science, Web Application Engineering, Software Testing, Web Development, HTML5, Python, Java and Algorithm. Official Websitehttps://www.udacity.com/

#3 Google’s Android Development: It is the best learning for Android Development. They learn just from them who have made this Android. You will get everything here, from basic to advance. And you will get also how you will ready for storing your APPS play. Official Website: http://developer.android.com/develop/index.html

#4 Google’s Python Class: It is called Google’s Python Class. It is totally free. Official Website: https://developers.google.com/edu/python/

#5 Coursera: Here you will get many courses with free of cost. And also you will get high quality tutorials of Computer Science. You will learn very well from here Computer architecture, Programming languages, C++ for C programming, Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography…etc. Official Website: https://www.coursera.org/

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