Scala web development has led to a number of conversations about the programming language. In fact, there are a wide range of developers who opt for Scala web development instead of Java. There are no shortage of awesome features for web developers to enjoy but there are also a number of myths that have been allowed to circulate without being debunked.
Scala Web Development
These myths can have an adverse effect on any web development project. They can also keep a firm from being able to get the most out of the process. Let’s take a closer look at some of the myths that have been allowed to circulate when it comes to Scala web development, so that they can finally be debunked once and for all:

1. Mathematical Expertise Is Needed
There are some who have been led to believe that they will need a serious amount of mathematical knowledge to get started with Scala web development. Monad tutorials are great but they are not mandatory. Don’t fall victim to this crowd. The only reason to pay close attention to Monad tutorials is if the developer is looking to enhance the mathematical background that they already possess.
Meanwhile, those who do not have an advanced level of knowledge as far as mathematics are concerned can still enjoy all of the advantages of Scala. There are all sorts of fancy words and phrases that get thrown around as far as Scala is concerned. The theoretical background is not needed to become an expert in the world of Scala. Code can still be written without it.
2. Object Orientation Knowledge Is Not Important
While there are those who will attempt to play up the importance of having knowledge in certain areas, there are also those who will claim that some knowledge simply isn’t important. Scala developers have probably all heard some variation of “all object-orientation knowledge can be thrown out the window” in the past. In reality, any good object-oriented knowledge is certainly going to come in handy.
When object orientation knowledge is “thrown out the window”, this leads to avoidable issues when it is time to include various functions. The functions are often crammed into smaller spaces than necessary and this undermines the finished product. This may seem like a relatively minor issue but the code’s testability is placed in serious doubt when object-orientation knowledge is ignored. The Open-Closed Principle remains important.
3. Scala’s Compiler Is Beyond Slow
The Scala compiler has been the butt of more than a few jokes over the years. When jokes and memes start to circulate about web development languages, they can stick long after they are true. This is exactly what has taken place with the Scala compiler. Everyone has seen the XKCD comic that makes fun of the compiler by now and continues to share it. This perpetuates the myth even more than before.

Fortunately, the compiler has only continued to get faster and faster. The comic might have been funny (and true!) once upon a time but no web development strategy should ever be based on an outdated meme. Java does remain a bit faster but this should not have any sort of effect on web development. In fact, a Java project may take longer to complete because of the initialization process (which is more complex).
4. The Features Are Too Complex For The Average Developer
Scala web development comes with various criticisms and one of them is typically centred around the idea that it is “too complex” for the average developer. Since there are a number of language features for the developer to learn more about, these concerns have since morphed into received wisdom. On the other hand, those who have handled projects like these in the past know better.

A project of this nature is never going to be too complex for any developer. If a developer is willing and able to make the right choices when it comes to the site’s architecture, these types of problems are eliminated. Take the time to build a codebase that is truly easy to maintain and all of the issues that are related to “complicated” development processes will fall by the wayside.
5. Lack of Quality IDE Support
Early Scala users can probably remember the days when IntelliJ IDEA was the only option available. Those who have not updated their knowledge since then have allowed themselves to believe that there is no quality IDE support available. Things have improved a great deal since then and there is no shortage of quality IDE support available to those who are in need.
While there are some who will need assistance that is a bit more complicated, IDEA is on top of everything. Good support is available for all of the projects in question. The best developers are also able to differentiate between codes that are more challenging and codes that are not nearly as difficult. Text editors also have access to the support that they need. Don’t fall victim to the usual myths.
Web development can be a complicated process and no one is denying that there are certain pitfalls that can arise along the way. On the other hand, it is important for those who work in Scala web development to know more about the most prevalent myths. While these myths once contained some small level of truth, they have since become completely outdated. Tread wisely.