Know the correct Process of Mobile Phone Charging


How are you? I hope all of you are fine. I’m also fine for your blessings. Today I will share with you what is the correct process of mobile phone charging?

Do you know what is the correct process of mobile phone charging?


Many people have the habit keeping the phone in charge before going to sleep and falling asleep at night. This is so harmful for battery. Because after being charged 100%, if the phone is kept in charge, then extra pressure falls on that battery.

Oh, this is not in this way:

Nowadays almost all people use a Smartphone. And modern smartphone means there will be inside the Lithium Ayon battery. Kyadeshk named battery manufactured organization has informed, battery and total mobile will be good if some rules are followed at the time of charging this type of battery related mobile. What are that rules? Come, let’s know that

#1. Disconnect electric connection after being charged battery 100%:


Many people have the habit keeping the phone in charge before going to sleep and falling asleep at night. After phone charged whole night and rising from sleep in the morning, they disconnect their phone from electric connection. It is said, this is so harmful for battery. Because after being charged 100%, if the phone is kept in charge, then extra pressure falls on that battery. So it is better not to keep the phone in charge after being charged.

#2. Try to not give 100% charge:


It has said in Kyadesk behalf, even it is good not to give 100% charge in mobile. Because for giving charge 100%, which high voltage needs, in it battery gets damaged. So after getting full 100% charged, it was an intelligent work of closing charge some times ago.

#3. Give charge many times in the day:

Battery University of Kyadesk has informed, it is the best to charge battery after decreasing charge 10%. But it is not possible to do like that in real. So give charge in the phone when you will get the chance. In it increases battery age, side by side that performance gets better.

#4. Keep cool the phone at the time of charging:

Do your mobile get hot at the time of charging? This is harmful for the battery. So at the time of charging, try to keep your mobile as much cool as possible. Open mobile’s cover, stay your mobile away from sunlight. If mobile gets so hot, then closing charge for some time and after becoming cool, then you put your phone in charge again.

It is enough for today, thank you for reading this article. If there is any mistake, then forgive me. If you face any problem, then don’t forget to comment. If this article helps you, then don’t forget to share it.

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