How to install the software (OS) in android mobile using PC or Laptop


Hay friends welcome to – In this article, I will tell you how do you install android os on your mobile. At this time most of the people use the Android smartphone. Some mobile phones having software related problems.

How to install the software in android mobile using PC or Laptop

How to install software on your android mobile

When your mobile doesn’t turn on than you think your mobile gets damaged, then you go to the mobile repairing shop and then they charge immense money because you don’t have any information about the problem.

If you have a computer or laptop then you can easily install the software on your mobile and save your money. You think that how it possible; In this article, we explained how to install the software in android mobile using PC step by step.

How to install software on your android mobile

If your mobile does not work because of the software problem, you do not have to worry because today we are going to tell you some ways through you can download and install Software on your Mobile. Installing the software, first of all, you need to download some software and drivers.

install the software on your mobile using a PC or Laptop

Some important things to install android rom from pc to mobile

  1. You need a laptop or computer to install the software on your android mobile.
  2. Now you need Stock Rom Firmware Flash File of your Mobile model.
  3. You need a USB Driver For Android
  4. Flash Tools File
  5. USB Cable

How to install the software on your mobile using a PC or Laptop

Follow the Step below and install android OS on your mobile at your home without any cost.

Search Model Number of your phone

* Firstly search Stock Rom Firmware Flash File followed by model Number or model name and company.

* Download USB Driver For Android software on your PC or laptop and install it. You can also download USB Driver For Android by clicking this link.

* After that you need to download another tool named Flash Tools and install it on your laptop or computer. You can also download Flash Tools by clicking this link.

Now you need to do some small tasks like:

  • Unzip the Stock ROM Firmware Flash File and pest it in a New Folder.
  • Extract Flash Tools Files and open it in Exe File and click on the download button.
  • After all these things happen, you will have to follow the steps given below after this you can install the software on your mobile.

Install the software in android mobile using PC or Laptop

  1. Connect your mobile to your computer or Laptop using a USB cable.
  2. Now find the Scatter in the Flash Tools and click on it. The name of the Flash Tools you downloaded “Scatter.”
  3. When Scatter opens on your computer, you will have to click the Next button twice, as soon as you complete the step you go to the Stock ROM.
  4. You are now under the Stock ROM you have to click on “Process To Continue.” As soon as you click on the “Process To Continue” button, you will see a green color symbol, that means the software installation process started.
  5. Wait a few times, when Process becomes 100% complete, it means that you have successfully loaded the software in your mobile.
  6. Now disconnect your mobile form your computer or laptop and switch on, If the switch on that indicate you have successfully download the software on your mobile.