Do you want to earn money by picking a picture? There are 10 websites for this


Do you wonder with camera all day? This interest can make the way of earning. There are such many websites where you can earn money easily by picture.

Earn Money by picking a picture.


Has your hobby picking picture? This interest can be address of your earning. There are many websites where selling picture you can earn money. How? There were 10 websites for this.

#1. iStock:

The royalty payment rate is 15% for each download. You can work as an exclusive contributor of them if you want. In that case the amount of income will be much more. But you can’t give picture in other site without this site.

#2. Smugmug:

This website is E-Commerce site of picture. Here showcase is done by our picture. You can set the price of the picture yourself. In spite of digital download, you can sell hard copies of picture and greetings card also.

#3. Alamy:

It is the biggest stock photo library in the world. 60% royalty fee payment is made for photographers. The best thing is here they have no pressure for giving exclusive right image. That means you can give picture on another site.

#4. Flicker-Getty:

In 2010 by shaking hands, flicker and Getty made such a platform where photographers can sell royalty free pictures and can control their copyright. Image sharing and sell stock picture- it has made by getting together Getty images call for artists group. Here giving picture, you have to wait for approval. You will get a 20% royalty for selling each picture. But in this moment, taking new picture has been closed. Again, it will continue after some weeks.

#5. Fotolia:

There are buyers more than 40 million in their loop. The quantity of royalty is very good. Royalty is available from 20% to 63% for selling every picture. Money will be credited very soon in your Fotolia account.

#6. Dreams time:

It is very famous. The application is done by sending your own picked up the picture. If the editor gives permission, then you can sell this picture through the site. Royalty is available from 25% to 30% for every picture. If you sign condition to work with them, then you will get more 10%.

#7. Photo Shelter:

If you want to keep in your hand the process of selling pictures and want to get more profit by fixing prices of picture yourself than you can open a built-in E-Commerce professional photography site through photo shelter. The sites look awesome, secured cloud is also in storage. Everything becomes easy to sell and licensing.

#8. Shutter stock:

It is one of the main stock photo sites. You can get from 0.25 dollars to 28 dollars for selling every picture. It has depended on what type of license is there.

#9. 123rf:

How much picture you have uploaded, depending on that, you will get that % royalty. Those who picks all day, for them it is good. You can get royalty from 30% to 60%.

#10. Can stock photo:

If you are a member then you can submit photo easily. You can upload almost together 100 images. You can get royalty almost 50%.

Thank you.