30+ High Pagerank Dofollow Blog List


Getting ranked on Google SERP is not an easy task at all. To do well in SERP you must produce quality of content and sometimes quality content is not enough to get good SERP.

Though there are many factors that affects search engine ranking, but yet pagerank can help you to boost your search engine ranking.

Know the facts that affect search engine ranking.

To get better position on Google SERP, pagerank can play a very important role. To get high pagerank, you have to produce better content and need  backlinks from high PR site.

High Pagerank Dofollow Blog List

You can get both Dofollow and Nofollow backlinks and both are very important for natural link building. But you know Nofollow backlinks won’t help you to improve your site’s PR and its don’t have any SEO value.

Backlink technique 2018 Learn Step by Step

But you have to do it for proving yourself that you are not a link spammer and your blog is getting backlinks naturally.

On the other hand, Dofollow backlinks have the SEO value and it gives your site link juice. Whenever you get backlinks from a dofollow blog, you get a little portion of PR from that site.

Some Killer Tips to Improve Google Page Rank 2018

Getting backlinks from High PR site can dramatically improve your site quality and increase your site’s PageRank that’s why today here in this article I will be sharing 30+ high page rank do follow blog List with you.

List of High Pagerank Dofollow Blog

  1. Terapad
  2. DiaryLand
  3. Thoughts
  4. SOS Blog
  5. Tripod
  6. Slashdot
  7. Propeller
  8. FriendFeed
  9. TreeHugger
  10. Webs.com
  11. Vox.com
  12. LiveJournal
  13. Xanga
  14. Blog.com
  15. Wikispaces
  16. Wetpaint
  17. WordPress
  18. Quizilla
  19. MSN Spaces
  20. Friendster
  21. Jimdo
  22. Zoho
  23. Ning
  24. Bravejournal
  25. Typepad
  26. Edublogs
  27. Blogher
  28. Hubpages
  29. Zimbio
  30. Gather
  31. OnSugar
  32. Blogetery
  33. EasyJournal
  34. Nexo
  35. AtWiki
  36. ZoomGroups
  37. ZoomShare
  38. InsaneJournal

I’ve tried to share 30+ high page rank do follow blog list in this post and hopefully, it will help you to boost your site’s PageRank and by doing so it will help you to get better position on Google search.

Top 10 Backlinks to Rank on Google For Lower Competition

Now Over To You

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Don’t forget to check A Free SEO Tool For Finding Free Backlinks.

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Thank you…

Biswajit Das
"If no one responds to your call, then go your own way alone". Open thy mind thy mind walk alone walk alone We not afraid, walk alone Open thy mind, walk alone. ---------------------------------------- A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise.