8 Great Facts You Never Heard Before


“Toy Story 2” animation movie was almost lost

The popular animation Toy story 2 was almost lost through deletion. 90% of the work done was deleted by mistake before a strategy was found to restore the work through backups. The backup system also failed to restore the work. Luckily, the technical director had another copy of the work which was used. For a Toy, Story and other Pixar movies Quiz.

Toy story 2 animation movie

The movie “Taxi driver” was written in two weeks

Paul Schrader, who was the screenwriter for the movie Taxi driver,” wrote it in just two weeks. He said he went to an ex-girlfriend’s place and just wrote the whole script in two weeks. The first script was about 60 pages, and the second he did was longer.

Taxi driver movie script

Largest performing rock band

The largest performance by a rock band in the world included 953 musicians in a single band. This was done by The Beijing Contemporary Music Academy in June 2016, China. They included 154 guitarists, 151 drummers, 100 keyboardists, 98 wind instrument platers, 100 bassists, and 349 singers.

Beijing Contemporary Music Academy

Longest music song title

Music titles are often short and precise, but as for Hoagy Carmichael, his song in 1943 had the longest title ever. The title was “I’m a Cranky Old Yank in a Clanky Old Tank on the Streets of Yokohama with my Honolulu Mama Doin’ Those Beat-o, Beat-o Flat-On-My-Seat-o, Hirohito Blues.”

The music industry generates more than half of all digital sales

The music industry dominates more of the digital sales, with 88% of revenue generated from this industry alone. This is due to downloads, subscriptions, and streaming.

Christmas was first considered a holiday in the state of Alabama

The year was 1836 when Alabama state first recognized Christmas on the 25th of December as a holiday. The state to follow suit was Oklahoma in 1907.

First Christmas

Turkey is the obvious choice of Christmas meals

We don’t know who chose this meal as the obvious Christmas meal but they sure did a good job. Turkey is recognized as the main choice of Christmas meal all over the United States and beyond.

Leaving Santa cookies and milk was originated from the Dutch community

Unlike the choice for Christmas meals, we are pleased to know the origin of leaving Santa cookies and milk. This idea originated from the Dutch community where Dutch children left him cookies and milk after overnight stories and joyful songs.

Santa cookies and milk

We’re not sure who chose this as the obvious Christmas supper, but they did a fantastic job. Turkey is widely known as the most popular Christmas feast in the United States and abroad.