10 Easy Steps to Speak with Confidence & Smartly


Speaking impressively is really an art. Maybe you love someone for 3 years, you have a lot of feelings for her but you are not able to express it, but someone else who does not love like you for 3 years and who does not have emotions as well, but his way of talking is quite different and impressive, he is able to talk so well that everyone is attracted to him, then he will take the advantage.

Speaking smartly is very important in everybody’s life if we do not know it, then we cannot acquire our place in the present society, then someone else will come and will take away our place. You will only be able to understand it well when you will be rejected like me again and again. You may be thinking now “why I said that would you be rejected like me” – because my life is very relevant to today’s topic. How it is related to me, I am going to talk about it now-

In 2013, I went to give an Interview for Assistant Teacher, in a school, According to the Academic Score my name was at number one. And I knew very well all of the questions which were asked to me in the interview, I had given all the correct answers and I was very confident that I would get the job. But I did not get that job.

How to speak confidently
Job Interview

After this, when I was drawn from two more job interviews then I was trying to find out my weakness, that my academic score is good, I also give the right answers to the questions, but still, I remain behind, where is my fault? But I was unable to find my weakness, then I went to one of my acquaintances Sir and told him everything, after that Sir used to call me and used take my interview, After a few days, when Sir gave me a sense of my mistake then I came to understand that I have a problem in Communication Skills. I know a lot, but my presentation was not good at all, and there was no smartness in speaking, that’s why I was getting rejected in the interview repeatedly.

So whether it is to impress a girl or get a job interview, you will have to speak smartly – otherwise, if you do not get a job then you will not even be able to do business. So today, we are going to tell you how to speak smartly.

But before that, friends, if don’t want to read this article, then you may watch the video – we’ve made the video in the three languages (English, Hindi & Bengali).

[su_youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPjPxvTtcFo” controls=”alt” rel=”no” https=”yes”]

So, How to speak confidently?

Speak with Confidence
Speak with Confidence

#1. Try to find out your weakness:

To win everyone’s heart, to speak smartly, first you have to analyze yourself, how are you speaking, how are you expressing, how are you beginning, after listening to you what is the reaction of your friends or the reaction of the person who is listening to you, notice it and try to recover your Weakness, then you can also speak smartly. Remember, Practice makes a man perfect, so practice can only make you a good speaker.

How to speak confidently
Record Video with Smartphone

#2. Correct the pronunciation:

To speak smartly correct pronunciation is very important. If your pronunciation is not correct, then what are you trying to express no one will understand it and no one will feel interested in listening to you. But if your pronunciation is proper and correct then you can easily become everyone’s favorite. For example- we usually use this word “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”, but we do not pronounce it correctly, someone pronounces it as “HAPPY BADDY” and someone as “HAPPY BARDY”, but the correct pronunciation will be “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”. Similarly, practice is required for correct pronunciation. For practice make a video from yours in your Smartphone and watch it repeatedly and where you find that you are wrong, practice that again and again.

How to speak confidently

#3. Don’t go to OFF Topic:

There are some people who, while talking get diverted into another topic and there are some people who, while giving examples start indulging into a story which has no end and when the story ends they themselves asks “where I had left?” All those who present in such conversation feels irritated. Their concentration and interest are ruined. Later no one likes to listen to him. So to speak smartly, do not forget the main topic, keep interest and concentration on the topic, then the audience will feel interested in listening to you.

#4. Be Confident:

If you talk confidently then you will definitely be able to speak smartly, so before you speak, if you feel confident that whatever you will say is right, then you can also explain it, then the energy you will have, seeing that energy everyone will be interested in listening to you. One thing you must have heard, that is “say wrong, but if you say with confidence, then it will appear as correct”, and even if you speak the right thing doubtfully, then the truth will also appear as false.

How to speak confidently
Be Confident

5. First Listen Then Talk:

It is senseless to talk in a hurry or to answer without listening properly. And those who do this they do not know how to speak smartly. So whoever does this, they should first listen what the person is saying, after understanding, you should give your opinion. And if you wanted to give your opinion when someone else is speaking, then very politely by saying “Excuse Me” you can give your opinion.

6. Improve Your Vocabulary:

While talking, you have to select all those words which are sweet to hear. Whether it is English or Hindi, it is important to know enough words for all languages. You do not need to worry about what word, will you use, after this word. We can open the dictionary and see the synonyms of the words that we use in everyday life. Or find some words that we rarely use in general, and use them in a suitable place. By this there will be an enhancement in your speech, and as well as you will be able to develop a good perception of your knowledge in the mind of the listener. And to increase the word store, you have to read a lot, whether it is a newspaper or an article on the internet.

Improve Vocabulary to Speak Smartly

7. Eye Contact:

While talking, you should talk with a smile and should have an Eye Contact, by this with whom you will talk, will have a focus towards you, he will not get distracted and will have trust on you.

8. Follow Your Favorite Commentator:

We all know somebody who can speak impressively. And we also want to speak like him or her. Maybe that is your best friend, or school teacher, or your favorite actor, or any motivational speaker, follow him.

Indian Motivational Speaker - Ritika Singh
Indian Motivational Speaker – Ritika Singh

9. Speak Limited and Proper:

If the speech becomes too lengthy or too much, then the audience feel boring. So by selecting important topics, giving examples and speaking with the help of a story, give the speech and enlighten the audience.

10. Speak with Action:

Yes, body language is must – the value of your speech can be increased by right body language – Your expression, the way you stand or sit, moving your hand etc, pay attention to all these things. There is no need to do anything extra. But gestures should also go equivalent to your way of speaking. While talking, many people have a habit of keeping hands on the shoulders of someone else or gaining attention towards their own again and again. If you have such a habit, please avoid it now and become a good and successful speaker.

Speak with Action
Speak with Action

So, friends, you should become a good speaker by eliminating every inconsistency. See you again on next Saturday at 7:00 P.M in the evening with something new, till then Think Positive, Do Positive & Go Ahead – Thank You!

Positive Thinking
The YouTube Channels "Positive Thinking" [Bangla, Hindi and English] are managed by The Mental Club Team. Here you'll get life-changing videos (Motivational Videos) Saturday of every week. So, #ThinkPositive, Do Positive & Go Ahead. Thank You.