5 Low Budget Business Ideas For Women


Business Ideas for Women: Most of the people have this intention that if we get a good job then our life will be settled, our life will be successful. But there are also many people who want to achieve – in a particular job, they are not satisfied with the specific Salary. They see many big dreams; they used to have big thinking. But a normal person can never think of doing a business by leaving a good job. Only those who have intense courage, deep desire, faith in themselves and beautiful plans can think of that. And those who have these qualities in themselves are successful in life. One day after clearing all the obstacles, they reach their target.

Business Ideas For Women
Business Ideas For Women

So today we are going to talk about one such lady who was not at all happy with her job, she always wanted to do her own business, even for which she left her job and started the business of selling old clothes and she was successful in her business. Today she is earning about 60 lakh per month. So by breaking the suspense lets know who is the woman whose courage and enthusiasm have reached the peak of progress. She is very familiar to many, her name is Natalie Gomez.

Natalie Gomez
Natalie Gomez

When she used to work in a Merchandise Planner, she was not happy very with her salary. So she gave up the job, and after that, she gave interviews for other Job and she faced the same problem there and she decided that she would do business since then she did not have to look back. In February 2016, when she started her business, she saw that a website named poshmark.com was offering the opportunity to sell old clothes, then she took information about that company and at first she registered a store named Costume Baldor and tried to sell one of her old cloth. After posting a picture in a very simple way, in a miraculous way, her cloth was sold within 24 hours in 40 dollars and she sees a new dimension of success. To take her business forward Gomez buys some clothes from the Market and sell them from her home. Within a month, she was able to earn 6 lakh 50 thousand. Since then, her investment continued to grow in this business and income also continued to grow. Gomez worked hard night and day to establish this store. Even today, Gomez works 60 to 80 hours in a week to maintain the success of her business. At first, Gomez made a list of clothes and bought all the clothes from the market by going over the list. Then she took photographs of those clothes and uploaded them to her website and by selling them she earns 60 lakh per month today. So friends if your target is still, no obstacle can prevent your success. The way Natalie Gomez reaches to this place today by selling her old clothes, just like that with a little Investment, you can also be a successful businessman. Friends, if you have any Business Idea, then rather than being concerned about what someone will say or what someone will think, start your business. When you will be on the way to success, you will see that those who have left your hand will come and take hold of your hand. And friends, if you do not have any business idea then there is no reason to worry – Positive Thinking is for you – I mean, especially for women, we are here with many business ideas – but boys can also do these businesses.

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Low Budget Business Ideas For Women

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So, let’s know the business ideas for women

1. Grocery: Are you surprised? It’s a matter of being surprised. You may be thinking why did I suggest such a Common Business? And this business is for boys. Hey, you can yourself make this Common Business Uncommon. But this business is for those who live in the city. Those who live in the villages do not do this business. So listen to the idea. Although, if you are a woman, you can do this business. You just need a little bit of capital and a little bit of intelligence. And the labors will do the work. If you have more capital then you can open Offline Store, if not then online and Home Delivery.


The Offline Store will be of clothes like a shopping mall. Where all the products will already be measured, and the price will be written on the packets. Customers will collect products as their wish and will add them to their cart. You only need to maintain stock and collect cash. With this, you can also do Home Delivery and Online Selling. For Home Delivery, you can collect Order by Phone or By WhatsApp. And for product delivery, you have to keep Delivery Boy with Motorcycle or Scooter. And Van for delivery of the heavy product. But you do not have to buy Motorcycle or Van. Those who have, take them in the work. And if you want to sell a product Online then you will need a website or App. If you can invest ten thousand money you can easily get a professional Website & App. In this case, you can mention which areas you will give service. To create Website & App, you can search in Google and by any local developer you can make it or order someone at Fiverr.com. But I would prefer to make it done by a local developer.

2. Textile Business or Clothing: If you are a woman, then you can open a Ladies Cloth Centre. You all know, if a woman goes to buy their own clothes, then they feel uneasy if there is any male in the shop. So if there are Ladies in stores then your sales will increase. However, you have to keep A to Z ladies products. Now let’s go to the Advanced Level. If you have a little more budget and if your fashion sense is better than you can also go towards Production. But it requires a lot of experience and money.

Textile Business
Textile Business

Firstly, to open a Textile Company you should have a good sense of clothes. Secondly, you have to know all kinds of tailor work. Although many would say, it is not essential, but I will say it is essential. Because, if you do not work, then you can not work with labour. Learning Tailoring is not something difficult. You can learn it from a local teller. Or you can take a vocational course on Tailoring. Contact the institutions where Vocational Course is done, and take a course of 6 months. After this comes, Marketing – marketing means that you can sell your Product Online / Offline wherever you wish. But selling online is of less trouble and the profit will be more. To sell online you can use these sites such as Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, Zivame or you can also create your own website. However, before selling your product in third-party websites, read their policy details thoroughly.

3. Imitations & Cosmetics: Due to the increase in the price of gold day-by-day women are attracted more towards Imitations. And today, many people cannot even differentiate between imitations and gold. As a woman, you can open an Imitation Jewelry store, but do not forget to keep cosmetics side-by-side. You can also keep products related to women’s privacy. If a woman opens such a store, then it will not just move, but it will run successfully.


4. Pets Farm: In this business women were not involved before, but presently it has become a very profitable business idea for women- especially for the fancy or modern women, it is a great business idea. In this business, you do not have to invest and there is not much hard work, so women can easily do this business. You can make a farm using a variety of species of animals like dogs, rodents, colorful fishes, rabbits, rare birds. You do not have to go to the market to sell these, Pet lovers will automatically find you. But if you are unsuccessful in selling from your farm, then give a report to those who sell Pets in the market. After that, you will see. Otherwise, you can upload pictures of your pets on Facebook. Remember, if you can take care of your pets and if the quality remains good, then there will be no shortage of your customer. But to do this business you have to be very careful.

Pets Farm
Pets Farm

5. Nursery: Similar to Pets Farming, Nursery or Gardening is another Careful Business Idea. If you have a hobby of gardening then you can convert it to your business. If I say, have you ever seen any thornless rose plant? You will say, what rubbish I am talking about. Yes, there is, different species of plants are produced by research in various research centers. Similarly rose plant without thorns has also been discovered. And a single branch of these plants has been sold at a price of 25-30 thousand rupees. If you have a little space empty, then you can open a Nursery there – you can contact nearest agricultural science centers for help. And there you’ll get the training of how to attend. So what are you waiting for – Get training and start over.


So, friends, this was our 5 best low budget Business Idea for women. But before ending the video, I’ll say only one thing to you all, do not lose patience, like Gomez, it’s not important that you will be successful in the first attempt, maybe you might have to struggle a little more. But do not give up, you will have to maintain positive thinking and you will have to compete with courage then you will definitely be successful. No obstacle can prevent you from being suppressed. Finally, I’ll only say,

Anything You Do, You Do With “Mind”, “Body” and “Soul”. – The success will be in your hand.

So friends many many good wishes for your new business. That’s it for today, see you again in the next article/video with a new topic. Till then, Think Positive, Do positive and Go Ahead. Thank You!

Positive Thinking
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