How will you make April fool? There are 10 easy tips


Make fool by using sense:

Remember fun is only fun. There is no fatality in it. There are 10 tips in it. Use it by understanding place-time-person. Anybody doesn’t get hurt.

Do you know how will you make an April fool?


#1. Recently Doll has gone. If there has left few colours then mix it in wife’s shampoo. You will stay definitely at the time of the bath.

#2. Buy cream biscuits and eat cream of that biscuits. Now make cream like that with tooth paste. Give friends by sad face.

#3. Wake before morning and then keep them in another room by not waking your child. Decorate room with toys and balloons from before.

#4. Several kinds of toy bee are getting into the market. It will be seen like real. Keep it on the wife’s dressing table.

#5. Taking mobile from your girlfriend change language in Telegu or Malayalam. Pretend in front of her that you don’t know anything.

#6. If you can take a risk, then, change both boards of toilet “Male” and “Female”. If you can’t take risks, then hang “PULL” on a door above “PUSH”.

#7. Coming back to the office of a neighbour’s house, hang notice “Men at Work, Please Use another Door”.

#8. Taking friend’s number write “House for sale” and then insert this beside of ticket counter of the station. You will write surely- “Call Friday after 6 p.m.”.

#9. Hide all icons from the desktop of colleagues. Before that, taking a screen shot of the desktop, make wall paper that.

#10. Now it’s time for extreme. Invite your friends with family. Write in your door by “Happy April Fool” and then go anywhere.

 Thank you.