PHP Development | Tutorials [Downloadable HD Formatted Video Series – Learn Step By Step]


PHP Officially called “Personal Home Page” is a server-side scripting language designed mainly for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. Originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, now produced by The PHP Development Team. PHP code may be installed into HTML or HTML5 markup, or it can be used in sequence with different web template, web content management systems, and web frameworks. The most awaited sequel to top PHP Development best tutorial is nowhere.

PHP Development Course


Hello Friends, Welcome to my new tutorial series. In this training series, I will share with you several online standard video tutorials. Most of us want to learn a different kind of new software, but due to lack of necessary and quality resources, we cannot go further by going forward. As a result, our time is wasted and all the hard work become failed. Don’t worry here the best solution for you.

Besides, we go to learn to spend a lot of money at the coaching center, which is inappropriate in this online era. So thinking the needs of all of us, I brought for you the best selection of the super online software, tips, and tricks on the step by step series video tutorials, which are mostly paid versions, but I have come to you for the totally free.


What Will You Learn?
  • Introduce the topics of servers and clients
  • Introduce basic Web Development
  • Assist viewers in learning all standardized programming concepts and structures. This includes the basics (if statements) as well as more advanced topics.
  • Begin teaching PHP specific structures and start developing PHP programs

After watching the video tutorial In order to take the full advantage of this course. you can get an intermediate knowledge of PHP.


  • XAMPP or any form the web server.
  • notepad++

    So, friends, you can download these video tutorials from the direct download link. Keep an eye on www.TheMentalClub.Com to get updates. Today I am going to share you recent Published “PHP Development Tutorial Series. You may also look into the tutorials of “Lynda“, “Udemy“, “Tutorial Points” or “W3School“.


The last thing I would like to say that, let’s give up the copy paste and discourage others from copying the other content.

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