3. Joomla and E-Commerce [Part-2] (Membership Manager, Payment Option and Billing System


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Previous Article: 3. Joomla and E-commerce [Part-1] (What is a CMS, What is Joomla? And it’s Reality, Speciality & Advantages)

3.7. Joomla and E-Commerce

There are so many modules and components in Joomla for making E-Commerce site. After making E-Commerce site by using Joomla it is not only to sell the products, but also you may start auction shop, affiliate shop, paid system etc. Now, I would tell you some components of making this type of E-Commerce site.

Affiliate Carts: It is such a type of E-Commerce in where you may show others shops or the products of catalogues. The customers can browse the products of those shops and can buy it. So for this, you don’t nothing about inventory management, order fulfil or payment process. Without these, you can get your commission very easily. For example, Amazon.

For starting this type of Affiliate shop, you can get so many components in Joomla. For Example:

CJ Catalogue Builder: It is a commission Junction Catalogue Builder Component.

Jiscafe: If anyone wants to sell a product on your site from cafepress, you can start it through this component.

Easy Amazon Associates: By this, you can show the products of Amazon.

Paid Access to Content: If you want to supply premium content through Joomla based site and want to return money for that, there are so many components through which you can perform that task.

Basic Architecture of Joomla

3.8. Account Expiration Control Membership Manager

This component allows Joomla administrator to manage membership for paid content sites. Once the member pays a certain amount fees, and get a membership for a certain period, this component can manage the membership status. The membership is expired if not renewed in due time.

3.9. Billing and Payment Option

It is a billing and invoicing system component by which you will be able to do both subscription and recurring bill manage. It has two components.

3.10. n-Bill- a Complete Billing System

This component can be used for billing recurring payment. It can generate invoices and record all income, expenditure, subscription and orders. It gives users the opportunity to login and view their invoices online. Several payment gateways can be used to pay the invoices. However, the component does not include shopping cart or product catalogue. This is good for selling a few products where an order frol can be configured manually from backend.

Accounts Quotes and Invoices:

The component is suitable for managing invoices and quotes for service oriented sites. For example, if you run a Joomla based site and provide some consultancy services through that site you can use it to generate and submit quotes. Upon completion of your work you can submit invoices to your clients. Clients then pay the invoices online using one of the popular payment gateways, including PayPal, Google check (Google Wallet) out and so on.

Next Article: Joomla and E-Commerce [Part-3]

Thank You!

Biswajit Das
"If no one responds to your call, then go your own way alone". Open thy mind thy mind walk alone walk alone We not afraid, walk alone Open thy mind, walk alone. ---------------------------------------- A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise.