08 Fascinating Twitter tips and tricks you should know


Twitter has changed how we consume news, interact with our friends, and use the pound sign. And while you’re not tweeting, retweeting, and researching trends, you should know a few tips to make the most of your Twitter experience. Here are eight little things you should know if you want to improve your Twitter knowledge.


Use Twitter to turn off your computer.

An exciting trick, TweetMyPC, and TweetMyMac allow you to use Twitter as a kind of computer remote control. You have to make a single and dedicated account for twitter, but you can also control your computer remotely by sending DM once you have downloaded either one of the versions.

Keyboard shortcuts

Very few people know about the practical Twitter shortcuts that were implemented some time ago. Do you want to see them all? Just type in a question mark while Twitter is displayed on your computer.

Multiple Twitter accounts with a single email address.

If you use a Gmail account, you can set up multiple Twitter accounts with it. Although Twitter wants an account by email address, you can fix this with Gmail tips. Follow this little guide to do it.

Favourite Tweets

It’s a great way to increase subscriber numbers and grab the influencers’ attention who tweet the content you love. By promoting a Tweet, you get a smile from the person whose content you’ve played. You can give yourself a smile by playing free online Bingo https://www.bingosweets.com/free-online-bingo/. Enjoy!

They are likely to do you a favour and follow you. At least yes. Favouring tweets is also a great way to use Twitter as an RSS feed and save content for later reading.

Titles matter

Make your headlines short and sweet but to the point. Humour or news is better here. Think like a radio and television reporter. It should instantly grab the reader’s attention so they can take the next step with you. Some of the things that people like to click on Twitter are the Top X lists, the promise of something to come, a call to action, or an interesting question.

Go mobile.

The mobile app for twitter is known to one of the most responsive and excellent apps in the market. It is much better than the desktop version in many things. To be on top and have a grip on twitter is not easy, so do not ignore small things and download the mobile app.

Listen to others

An active social listener can do a lot of things and a lot of jobs. An excellent social listener on Twitter can easily hold the advantage of infiltrating different groups and influencers on Twitter. “Infiltrating” may not be the best word, but you can undoubtedly gather information and learn more about other sellers of your product, and what your customers like, what they want and what they don’t like.

Watch out for the character limit.

For starters, you only have a limited number of characters. My advice is to only use around 120 out of 140. This is because if someone retweets it, you want your original tweet to remain intact without the need to change or modify it.

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