Tips for Older Students: Preparing Yourself for a Return to College


It is never too late to seek out education. This does not necessarily make the decision any less difficult, however, particularly for older students who might feel uncomfortable with the concept.

Somewhat ironically in this regard, older students will likely find that their life experience greatly benefits them and provides a huge advantage when returning to education.

Tips for Older Students

Tips for Older Students

Whether you felt like a change in career and needed the help of a degree, or if it is simply the ideal time for you to reenter the academic area, here are some tips to help you prepare.

Making Connections

It is a completely normal and common endeavor to earn a bachelor’s degree after 30, so there will probably be many other older students who have decided to do the same as you.

Earn a bachelor’s degree after 30

Seeking them out and forming connections can help you develop the support of like-minded individuals. Forming a support network with people you connect with is important in college, even in the online capacity.

College is a great place to meet new people with whom you can share your thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Often, people are more than happy to form connections, so there is no need to hesitate in asking.

Utilize the Student Support Services

Dedicated student support specialists are there to help, so why not take full advantage of that and get some advice?

Student Support Services

Student advisors are usually highly supportive, understanding and experienced; plus, they will probably have some great tips for your specific institution.

Use Your Experience

If you have spent time honing your skills in an industry, then it is certainly worth using your experience to enrich your course.

Use Your Experience

For example, if you feel as though you could apply your course teachings to a real-life scenario, do not be afraid to write a paper about it, or consult the tutors for advice.

This can be a great way to add a practical dimension to the academic setting, one that lets you develop and sharpen your existing skillset.

Sticking Out

There is no need to worry about sticking out like a sore thumb. Everyone is there to learn and to grow as individuals, and if they aren’t, they shouldn’t last long on the course.

Smart students

College courses are often welcoming and exceptionally diverse environments comprising of respectful and smart students.

It might be slightly like going to the gym for the very first time and being afraid that everyone is watching you, when in reality, everyone is there for themselves and likely willing to help you out should you need some advice.

Socializing is Important

Even if it means hanging out for virtual drinks evenings with your fellow online academics, socializing can be an intrinsic part of what makes college so enjoyable.

Older Students Earn Bachelar's Degree

Your extra life experience probably means you are full of stories, and one of the reasons to go to college is to meet people just like you!

There is little use waiting around for someone else to organize a social event first, so reach out! You may be pleasantly surprised.