Possible Factors That Are Responsible For BKF File Corruption


We all know the importance of keeping our data safe and to keep this safe, we must have the habit of backups of our data. Many organizations have been badly affected due to sudden data loss and later they were not able to recover their important files. From a recent survey, it is seen that out of 100 companies 94 of them do not recover from data loss and 70 out of 100 small-scale businesses had to shut down their business due to a huge data loss. So, from this ratio, we can understand that if these organizations had taken a backup of their crucial data then they might not have been affected even in a file lost scenario. They could have easily recovered the data from backups and continue their operations easily.

BKF File Recovery

BKF File Corrupt

BKF Files is one of such backup files which is made of Windows Backup Utility. It is a kind of Archive file that is saved anywhere on the hard disk. These BKF Files sometimes get easily corrupt and once they get corrupted, it becomes difficult for a user to repair or restore the data from a corrupt file. However, if a user is not able to recover the files manually then in such case user can take help from any third-party software like DRS BKF Recovery to get back the data and perform an easy recovery process. Therefore a user must be aware of some possible factors that lead to BKF File Corruption and creates havoc in their day-to-day affairs. Readout some of the reasons below:

1. Disturbance in File Backup Process – This situation arises when your computer has been shut down in the middle of the back up process which was going on at that time. In such a case there is a high possibility of corruption in the backup file or data loss. So, it is better to retrieve your files when you are assured of no disruption of power supply and your computer can remain on for some time.

2. Computer Bug – capturing of virus or bug to any computer system is a common issue. Many malware practices often lead to damage to computer file systems. And in this process, your BKF Files can also easily get corrupted or lost. So, it is better to keep your computer system anti-virus protected to ensure the safety of your files.

Data Corrupted
Data Corrupted

3. Defective Hard Drive – sometimes a defective or damaged hard drive causes BKF file corruption. It is necessary to maintain the quality of the hard drive and not ignoring any signs of its expiry such as the computer becoming unusually hot at the time of being on or the file getting corrupted irregularly.

4. Issue in Catalog Files – Catalog files plays an important role in BKF File management. If any issue or problem arises in catalog files then it will hamper the BKF file integrity which leads to total corruption in BKF Files.

5. Uncommon way of system shutdown – when you are shutting down your system, it is important to do the shutdown process carefully and slowly. If you have done any forceful shutdown it might cause corruption in BKF Files. Because while you shut down in a proper way the ends the ongoing work in a proper way but a quick unusual shutdown will destroy the files where were remained open at that time.

6. Any cut-off during backup – when your BKF files get to clash with some other applications it increases the chances of BKF File corruption. So, it is necessary to check any applications running behind at the time of the backup process.



BKF Files is the most acceptable file in terms of the backup process. And whenever BKF Files or sometimes backup files of the exchange server get corrupted, a user might lose crucial files. Thus, users face many troubles to recover the corrupt files. So, to be on the safe side a user must know a useful way to solve the problem easily. Any software such as DRS Exchange BKF Recovery proves to be helpful for all the users to recover corrupt files easily.