How to Write a Good Blog Post

  1. Do you want to know how to write a good blog post?
  2. Do you want to write better content than your competitors?
  3. Do you want to make your blog post outstanding?
  4. If I’m not wrong, You’ll definitely say, YES I want.

Well, everybody, even a kid can write a blog post, so why you can’t? You can also write a blog post, but the question is, will it get read by the readers?

It is very easy to write a blog post, but believe me its really really so hard to write a great blog post.

There are only a few bloggers out there who can write an outstanding blog post and believe me, I’m not belonging to that category but I’m trying hard to be someone like them.

article writing

Now you know writing great blog content is one of the most difficult tasks in the world that’s why in this article I’ll be telling you the procedure of writing an excellent blog post. It’s not the ultimate way of writing great content, but it can certainly help you to write better than past.

So are you ready to learn how to write a good blog post? I know you are ready so lets start.

  • Know What You Exactly Want to Write

The very first step of writing great content is to know what are you going to write about. Here most of the bloggers make, mistakes. They don’t know where to start and where to stop.

If you want to write an outstanding blog post, then you have to know every possible thing about that topic and should start from the very beginning and go through the very last end.

So before going to start writing you should start researching on that particular topic and should make yourself boss on that thing. Make sure you know what exactly you want to tell your readers.

blogpost writing

  • Make Conversation

Did you notice how I’ve made the conversation with you?

I’ve asked you whether you want to know how to write great blog posts or not? I’ve also asked you, do you want to write great blog content than your competitors?  By asking these sort of questions I’ve made a conversation with you.

Here my conversation may not be up to the mark, but yet it certainly forces yourself to go through the whole story.

Do remember you’ll have only a few seconds at your hand and within this time you must hook your readers with your content by making outstanding and meaning full conversation.

  • Write Catchy Blog Title

Writing catchy blog title is very obvious to make a pitch of great content. You may have the ability to write an excellent blog post, but if you don’t have enough time to make your blog title attractive then believe me you are going to lose tons of traffics.

Almost 70% readers only read the titles and the rest of the 30% actually read the whole story. So if your blog title is not catchy and good looking then you certainly fail to attract your readers and at the end you’ll get frustrated.

creative post

In this article you can learn how to write excellent blog titles.

  • Use Images

Another very important thing about writing a great blog post is to use of images. Without image you can’t make your blog beautiful.

So to beautify your blog you must use at least one image in the blog post. The pro bloggers use images to send important news and information to the readers.

  • Meta Description

This is a part of SEO and you may ask me why I’m telling you to write a great meta description for your post.

Do remind readers first of all reads your meta description and if they find it interesting and valuable, only then they click on the title to know more about that particular topic.

Have a look at the following meta descriptions. These are written by the top bloggers.


  • Keep it Short and Simple

Always try to deliver your message in a nutshell. Your content should be clear, simple and short.

If you write a long blog post, then sometimes your readers can get bored by reading text and text. So make your post short and short post can easily deliver the message to the readers.

  • Final Touch

Yes, the writing process is yet to finish. After writing the content you should have a close eye on your content.

Everyone makes mistakes so you are. Proof read your content at least 2 times and correct the grammatical, spelling and tone follow mistakes.


Sometimes it is very hard to find out own mistakes, that’s why I’d tell you to check your blog post by someone else.

You can tell your family members or your friends or even your virtual assistant to proofread the whole article before publishing.

Do remember though your content is great, but for the grammatical and spelling mistakes your content may loose the beauty of worthiness and that can turn your great content into a worse content.

  • Final Words

Writing great blog post is not an easy task at all. You can’t tell yourself that your content is the best cause there is always more room for improvements.

It’s all about practice, practice and practice. So I’d tell you to write as much as you can and certainly one day you’ll discover your content is really informative and valuable and when you’ll be able to do that, I can ensure you that are are a great blog writer

BTW, please let me know your thoughts about this post? How have you enjoyed the article “how to write a good blog post” and how do you write your own blog post?

Thank you…

Biswajit Das
"If no one responds to your call, then go your own way alone". Open thy mind thy mind walk alone walk alone We not afraid, walk alone Open thy mind, walk alone. ---------------------------------------- A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise.