Funny Status for Whatsapp in Hindi & English


Funny Whatsapp Status: Hii friends Today I am going to share with you a Funny Status Updates and Whatsapp Funny Status in Hindi and English Language.There are millions of people who can use WhatsApp Messenger and they also change status day by day so that why I am Publishing a Best Funniest Status in our sites.You can check the collection of Funny Whatsapp Status below.I hope you will like the funny statuses for WhatsApp.

Funny Status for Whatsapp in Hindi & English

Funny Status for Whatsapp in Hindi & English

Funny Whatsapp Status Updates:

I am not lazy, I am on energy saving mode…

God is really creative, I mean.. just look at me every time!

I’m not lazy, I am on energy saving mode.

Hey there whatsapp is using meee,.

When your phone are 1% battery & anyone who sends a message, Or calling, Becomes the enemy ..

Fact: Ph on silent mode- 10 Missed call..Turns volume to loud- Nobody calls all day!

Hmmm…..Don’t copy my status.

80% of boys have girlfriends.. Rest 20%  boys are having brain.

If nobody hates U, then you are doing something boring.

Never laugh at your wife’s choices… you are one of them,,

Totally available!! Please disturb me!!!!


My style is unique don’t copy it plz!

If money grew on trees, then girls would be dating monkeys..!

 I’m not failed, Because my success is lost.!

I may be fat, but u’re ugly – I can lose weight!

रास्ते पलट देते हैं हम ,जब कोई आकर यह कह दे K आगे चालान काट रहे हैं…

Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut up…

When I was Born DEVIL said ohh shitt, competition

बहुत कम लोग जानते है K “set max ” में जो set है ना उसकी full form ” Suryavansham Entertainment Telivision ” है।

Status: I on Not on whatsapp..

ज़िन्दगी मे सबसे ज़्यादा खुशी to तब मिलती है जब Mummy कहती है दिमाग तो बहुत है इसका बस पढ़ता ही नही है..

Life is too short smile while u still have teeth.

If I agreed with you we both were wrong.

बचपन ” Handwriting ” सुधारने में गुज़र गया Aur ज़िन्दगी “keyboard ” पर बीत रही है।

Behind every successful man, there is a surprised woman…

तेरी smile confuse Kar देती है , साला पूरा दिन समझ नहीं आता कि ” हँस कर देख रही थी “, या ” देख कर हँस रही थी “

Your status won’t ever match my status neither in whatsapp nor in reality..

I love my job only when I am on Holiday…..

दुनिया Ki सारी खुशियाँ एक तरफ ….. और phone की 100 % battery की ख़ुशी एक तरफ

Life is too Short – Chat Fast!

Girls use photoshop to look beautiful.. & Boys use photoshop to show their creativity…

भला हो इस गर्मी Ka इसी बहाने घर की बहू – बेटियाँ सर पर पल्ला ओड़ कर तो चल रही हैं।

You can never buy LUV….But still U have to pay for it ..

Attitude is like a underwear Don’t show it just wore it

Always respects your self!

My heart is stolen..can I check your braa

Save Water, Drink Wine!!

Cigarette chodna sabse asan h- main hazaro baar chhod_ chukka hu…!!

I’m cool but global warming made me vry hot

Marriage is the cause of divorce.!

Wife: I have changed my mind. Husband: Does the new one now work?

 I just need a good Wifi & Wife.

I want someone to give me a Loan & then leave me Alone.

 I only need three things in life: Food, Wifi, Sleep

All the Rules are made.. to be break.

सुबह से दौड रही है चाकू लेकर पगली मेरे पीछे.. मैँने तो मजाक में कहा था “दिल चीर k देख, तेरा ही नाम होगा”

Ooooooo…..Don’t copy my status.

जितना दीमाग लड्कियाे में होता है…! उतना तो Mera खराब रहता है…

Drunk people run on Red Light…, Normal people wait for them to turn green.!

काश सूरज Ki भी बीवी होती तो उसे थोडा तो कंट्रोल में रखती

People that Change Love status after 30 Sec… GF is the Reason…

A fine is a tax for doing wrong & A tax is a fine for doing well…!

No I didn’t trip …The floor looked like …it needed a hug!.

Man ask a trainer in the gym: “I want 2 impress that girl… , which machine can I use?” Trainer replies: “Use the ATM”!

!Brain is Work More ..When You can use…..

I live in a world of fantasy, so keep ur reality away from me!

When I actually die some people_ are going to get really haunted.

Brain is Intelligent !Why not have Everyone…

God is really creative , i mean ..just look at me..

I wake up when I cant hold my pee in any longer…##

Mosquitoes are like family. Annoying but they carry your blood.

Alcohol will give different, type of power!..

70% boy Have GF ,other then Have Brain!

If school has taught us anything, it’s texting without looking 🙂

I hate people who steal my ideas, before I think of them 🙂

All my life I thought air is free until I bought a bag of chips.

Try to say the letter M without ur lips touching….!!

Excuse me …. Please empty ur pockets …. I think U stole my heart.

3 Mistake done by everyone ..Whatsapp,Facebook & GF!

I don’t drink alcohol! but Feel Awesome..

do not drink and park _accidents cause people.

Etc Meaning – End of Thinking Capacity..

Scratch here ###::::## to reveal this status..

High Power Come ,with High voltage Current!

If U are still hate me!then No Problem!..

Brain is the best worker,When you can use it…

when nothing seems right then go left…

if I am wired with you then I like you..

So these are the collection of best Funny Statuses for facebook and WhatsApp.Whatsapp Funny status for boys and girls are also available.Funny attitude status and funny smiling status in hindi is also Available. Hilarious Funny WhatsApp Status updates is given can copy the funny status ideas And Top Funny status for Whatsapp and Funny Status Messages SMS etc and share it with your friends. I hope your friends will also like these Funny status for Whatsapp.

Hy i'm bijay.I'm someone who loves to enjoy life and tries to focus on real things and real friendships. That's why I live very simply. I don't spend much time fixing myself up or trying to look cool. I live like a normal person. Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something. so friends plz forgive me if i do any mistake.