Find out all the required information including E-mail Address of Celebrity or a particular person


Can’t you find the ways of contact with unknown persons? Don’t worry. Now the new clear bit connect extension will help you to find out E-mail address of Celebrity or a particular person.

Do you know how to find out all the required information including E-mail Address of Celebrity or a particular person?


Through “clear bit connect” you will find out easily the medium of contact with the working man of any institution. For that you have to search by writing desirable person only. In the result, their verified E-mail address and social media profile will be shown.


If you want to contact with a senior officer of any institution, then this tool will play an assistant role. Like, if you search by writing the name of CEO of Google Sundar Pitchai, his verified E-mail address will be shown with 30 seconds.

If this tool is installed in the browser, if someone sends E-mail to you, you will see more information of the sender in your Gmail sidebar.

“Clear bit connect add on will be installed by free of cost. But this will act only as browser extension in your chrome.