Download Some Important History Books


Hi friends how are you? In this rainy season flood is the main problem. This problem creates bad effect of human life and their livelihood. In this recent year (2015) is harmful for the Peoples of west Bengal, like as the year 2000.Mainly Murshidabad, Nadia, Burdwan, Bankura, Purulia, Birbhum etc district of west Bengal is highly affected by this flood.  Cyclonic storm “Komen” weakened into a depression after making landfall over Bangladesh coast, causing heavy rainfall in several parts of West Bengal. That’s why this storm is a big reason for the flood. So friend pray for this all poor peoples.

Download Some Important History Books

Download Some Important History Books

In the present year 2015 is going to create a big history. History is related to every thing, every peoples are related to this subject. So friends today I will share some interesting book in history. This all books relate to ancient stories and it’s so much interesting book. I have already read  few books, this books are amazing and this books PDF file is too short. So friends you can download it easily and now you also hear this book form the downloading “Moon Reader Pro…” Android app. Read More

So friends download this all books from the given download link below-

History of Bengal part 1

History of Bengal part 2

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