Popular Telegram Trading group in 2018


Hi guys. Now, Telegram trading group is airwave topic for the telegram user. Most of the telegram users, always try to touch with any trader-related community. Telegram groups are the best way to engage or in be in touch with these type of lover. So guys, in this article I am sharing the telegram trader groups collection in 2018. After reading this post If you enjoy please share with your friends.

Popular Telegram Trading group in 2018

Telegram Trading group

Many of people love to listen to trader news, trader Sen-sex, marketing tips, etc. So, guys, this post will be suitable for business telegram user who can help to touch with other business partner using our community.

Now we come to the topic I have seen many blogs provided the same topic and added channels link in the group option. But this post is added only working for link Trading telegram groups.

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Their are a lot of businessman waste time to search money trader like bitcoin, cryptocurrency, etc. on the web  Now, you will touch this services without using any blog. Simple read the below description and join groups.

How to Join Telegram Trading Group?

  1. Look Below; you can see a lot of trading telegram groups names and its invite link.
  2. Then choose any one of them.
  3. Now, tap on the link which group you want.
  4. It redirects to the new page and says to choose an app.
  5. Then, just click on telegram application and hit “JOIN GROUP.” That’s Done!

List of 20 Telegram Trading Groups Collection in 2018

The below groups is taken a large number of group participant around the world. So the merits of this group are you can gain a lot more knowledge and keep an eye on what is going on in the world of trade. Also these trader group suitable for worldwide telegram member. So let’s join.

1.  Whale Club:

(Group Info:-Top five cap crypto ONLY, but we trade the pulse of whatever is moving)


2. DLavrov Trading Signals & Tips:

(Group info:-Trading signals and tips for profitable trading in the Crypto Markets! Disclaimer! You are solely responsible for your trading)


3. Ico Countdown:


4. Bitshare:


5. EthTrader:

(Group info:-This is another trading telegram group which offers news, ICOs and trading opportunities for the second popular crypto coin, Ethereum.)


6. Dash Digital Cash:


7. Bitcoin Trader:

(Group info:- Discussion about Bitcoin and Bitcoin Core.)


8. Rare Pepe Blockchain Trading:


9. Colmore FX – Forex & Crypto Talk:

( Group info:let’s talk Forex & Cryptocurrency Trading UK based trading education company)


10. The coin farm

( Group info:-Cryptocurrency TA *Traders* & BTCVIX ref links — not Bitcoin maximalists, fundamentalists, or serial bagholders)


11. Trading Chat

(Group info:-All Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency related Chat. No referral linking, no spamming. No advertising of your services. )


12. Trader Tips:


13. Altcoin Trader:


14. Bitcoin trade:

(Group Info:-You can post your ads directly in this group. Only ads related to a Bitcoin MLM or Online Marketing. Exclusion from the group will punish any violation.)


15. Bitcoin Puglia:


Hope you like this post 20+ telegram group collection list. If this helps for you then must share with your friends and family member. I sure on next week this post will update, and you get more new telegram trading groups.

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